Source code for skfolio.moments.covariance._implied_covariance

"""Implied Covariance Estimators."""

# Copyright (c) 2023
# Author: Hugo Delatte <>
# License: BSD 3 clause
# Implementation derived from:
# scikit-learn, Copyright (c) 2007-2010 David Cournapeau, Fabian Pedregosa, Olivier
# Grisel Licensed under BSD 3 clause.

import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt
import sklearn as sk
import sklearn.base as skb
import sklearn.linear_model as skl
import sklearn.metrics as sks
import sklearn.utils.metadata_routing as skm
import sklearn.utils.validation as skv

import skfolio.typing as skt
from skfolio.moments.covariance._base import BaseCovariance
from skfolio.moments.covariance._empirical_covariance import EmpiricalCovariance
from skfolio.utils.stats import corr_to_cov, cov_to_corr
from import (

[docs] class ImpliedCovariance(BaseCovariance): r"""Implied Covariance estimator. For each asset, the implied volatility time series is used to estimate the realised volatility using the non-overlapping log-transformed OLS model [6]_: .. math:: \ln(RV_{t}) = \alpha + \beta_{1} \ln(IV_{t-1}) + \beta_{2} \ln(RV_{t-1}) + \epsilon with :math:`\alpha`, :math:`\beta_{1}` and :math:`\beta_{2}` the intercept and coefficients to estimate, :math:`RV` the realised volatility, and :math:`IV` the implied volatility. The training set uses non-overlapping data of sample size `window_size` to avoid possible regression errors caused by auto-correlation. The logarithmic transformation of volatilities is used for its better finite sample properties and distribution, which is closer to normality, less skewed and leptokurtic [6]_. Alternatively, if `volatility_risk_premium_adj` is provided, the realised volatility is estimated using: .. math:: RV_{t} = \frac{IV_{t-1}}{VRPA} with :math:`VRPA` the volatility risk premium adjustment. The final step is the reconstruction of the covariance matrix from the correlation and estimated realised volatilities :math:`D`: .. math:: \Sigma = D \ Corr \ D With :math:`Corr`, the correlation matrix computed from the prior covariance estimator. The default is the `EmpiricalCovariance`. It can be changed to any covariance estimator using `prior_covariance_estimator`. Parameters ---------- prior_covariance_estimator : BaseCovariance, optional :ref:`Covariance estimator <covariance_estimator>` to estimate the covariance matrix used for the correlation estimates prior the volatilities update. The default (`None`) is to use :class:`~skfolio.moments.EmpiricalCovariance`. annualized_factor : float, default=252 Annualized factor (AF) used to covert the implied volatilities into the same frequency as the returns using :math:`\frac{IV}{\sqrt{AF}}`. The default is 252 which corresponds to **daily** returns and implied volatility expressed in **p.a.** window_size : int, default=20 Window size used to construct the non-overlapping training set of realised volatilities and implied volatilities used in the regression. The default is 20 observations. linear_regressor : BaseEstimator, optional Estimator of the linear regression used to estimate the realised volatilities from the implied volatilities. The default is to use the scikit-learn OLS estimator `LinearRegression`. volatility_risk_premium_adj : float | dict[str, float] | array-like of shape (n_assets, ), optional If provided, instead of using the regression model, the realised volatilities are estimated using: .. math:: RV_{t} = \frac{IV_{t-1}}{VRPA} with :math:`VRPA` the volatility risk premium adjustment. If a float is provided, it is applied to each asset. If a dictionary is provided, its (key/value) pair must be the (asset name/asset :math:`VRPA`) and the input `X` of the `fit` method must be a DataFrame with the assets names in columns. nearest : bool, default=True If this is set to True, the covariance is replaced by the nearest covariance matrix that is positive definite and with a Cholesky decomposition than can be computed. The variance is left unchanged. A covariance matrix that is not positive definite often occurs in high dimensional problems. It can be due to multicollinearity, floating-point inaccuracies, or when the number of observations is smaller than the number of assets. For more details, see :func:`~skfolio.utils.stats.cov_nearest`. The default is `True`. higham : bool, default=False If this is set to True, the Higham & Nick (2002) algorithm is used to find the nearest PD covariance, otherwise the eigenvalues are clipped to a threshold above zeros (1e-13). The default is `False` and use the clipping method as the Higham & Nick algorithm can be slow for large datasets. higham_max_iteration : int, default=100 Maximum number of iteration of the Higham & Nick (2002) algorithm. The default value is `100`. Attributes ---------- covariance_ : ndarray of shape (n_assets, n_assets) Estimated covariance matrix. prior_covariance_estimator_ : BaseEstimator Fitted prior covariance estimator. pred_realised_vols_ : ndarray of shape (n_assets,) The predicted realised volatilities linear_regressors_ : list[BaseEstimator] The fitted linear regressions. coefs_ : ndarray of shape (n_assets, 2) The coefficients of the log transformed regression model for each asset. intercepts_ : ndarray of shape (n_assets,) The intercepts of the log transformed regression model for each asset. n_features_in_ : int Number of assets seen during `fit`. feature_names_in_ : ndarray of shape (`n_features_in_`,) Names of assets seen during `fit`. Defined only when `returns` has assets names that are all strings. References ---------- .. [1] "New evidence on the implied-realized volatility relation". Christensen & Hansen (2002). .. [2] "The relation between implied and realized volatility". Christensen & Prabhala (2002). .. [3] "Can implied volatility predict returns on the carry trade?". Egbers & Swinkels (2015). .. [4] "Volatility and correlation forecasting". Egbers & Swinkels (2015). .. [5] "Volatility and correlation forecasting". Andersen, Bollerslev, Christoffersen & Diebol (2006). .. [6] "How Well Does Implied Volatility Predict Future Stock Index Returns and Volatility? : A Study of Option-Implied Volatility Derived from OMXS30 Index Options". Sara Vikberg & Julia Björkman (2020). """ prior_covariance_estimator_: BaseCovariance pred_realised_vols_: np.ndarray linear_regressors_: list coefs_: np.ndarray intercepts_: np.ndarray r2_scores_: np.ndarray def __init__( self, prior_covariance_estimator: BaseCovariance | None = None, annualized_factor: float = 252.0, window_size: int = 20, linear_regressor: skb.BaseEstimator | None = None, volatility_risk_premium_adj: skt.MultiInput | None = None, nearest: bool = True, higham: bool = False, higham_max_iteration: int = 100, ): super().__init__( nearest=nearest, higham=higham, higham_max_iteration=higham_max_iteration, ) self.prior_covariance_estimator = prior_covariance_estimator self.annualized_factor = annualized_factor self.linear_regressor = linear_regressor self.window_size = window_size self.volatility_risk_premium_adj = volatility_risk_premium_adj
[docs] def get_metadata_routing(self): # noinspection PyTypeChecker router = ( skm.MetadataRouter(owner=self.__class__.__name__) .add_self_request(self) .add( prior_covariance_estimator=self.prior_covariance_estimator, method_mapping=skm.MethodMapping().add(caller="fit", callee="fit"), ) ) return router
[docs] def fit( self, X: npt.ArrayLike, y=None, implied_vol: npt.ArrayLike = None, **fit_params ) -> "ImpliedCovariance": """Fit the implied covariance estimator. Parameters ---------- X : array-like of shape (n_observations, n_assets) Price returns of the assets. y : Ignored Not used, present for API consistency by convention. implied_vol : array-like of shape (n_observations, n_assets) Implied volatilities of the assets. **fit_params : dict Parameters to pass to the underlying estimators. Only available if `enable_metadata_routing=True`, which can be set by using ``sklearn.set_config(enable_metadata_routing=True)``. See :ref:`Metadata Routing User Guide <metadata_routing>` for more details. Returns ------- self : ImpliedCovariance Fitted estimator. """ if implied_vol is not None: # noinspection PyTypeChecker fit_params["implied_vol"] = implied_vol routed_params = skm.process_routing(self, "fit", **fit_params) window_size = int(self.window_size) # fitting estimators self.prior_covariance_estimator_ = check_estimator( self.prior_covariance_estimator, default=EmpiricalCovariance(), check_type=BaseCovariance, ) # noinspection PyArgumentList X, y, ** ) corr, _ = cov_to_corr(self.prior_covariance_estimator_.covariance_) assets_names = get_feature_names(X) if assets_names is not None: vol_assets_names = get_feature_names(implied_vol) if vol_assets_names is not None: missing_assets = assets_names[~np.isin(assets_names, vol_assets_names)] if len(missing_assets) > 0: raise ValueError( f"The following assets are missing from " f"`implied_vol`: {missing_assets}" ) indices = [ np.argwhere(x == vol_assets_names)[0][0] for x in assets_names ] # Select same columns as returns (needed for Pipeline with preselection) # and re-order to follow returns ordering. implied_vol = safe_indexing(implied_vol, indices=indices, axis=1) X = skv.validate_data(self, X) _, n_assets = X.shape implied_vol = check_implied_vol(implied_vol=implied_vol, X=X) implied_vol /= np.sqrt(self.annualized_factor) if self.volatility_risk_premium_adj is not None: if np.isscalar(self.volatility_risk_premium_adj): volatility_risk_premium_adj = self.volatility_risk_premium_adj else: volatility_risk_premium_adj = input_to_array( items=self.volatility_risk_premium_adj, n_assets=n_assets, fill_value=np.nan, dim=1, assets_names=( self.feature_names_in_ if hasattr(self, "feature_names_in_") else None ), name="volatility_risk_premium_adj", ) if np.any(np.isnan(volatility_risk_premium_adj)): raise ValueError( "volatility_risk_premium_adj must contain a value for each assets, " f"received {self.volatility_risk_premium_adj}" ) if np.any(volatility_risk_premium_adj <= 0): raise ValueError( "volatility_risk_premium_adj must be strictly positive, " f"received {self.volatility_risk_premium_adj}" ) self.pred_realised_vols_ = implied_vol[-1] / volatility_risk_premium_adj else: if window_size is None or window_size < 3: raise ValueError( f"window must be strictly greater than 2, " f"received {self.window_size}" ) _linear_regressor = check_estimator( self.linear_regressor, default=skl.LinearRegression(fit_intercept=True), check_type=skb.BaseEstimator, ) # OLS of ln(RV(t) = a + b1 ln(IV(t-1)) + b2 ln(RV(t-1)) + epsilon self._predict_realised_vols( linear_regressor=_linear_regressor, returns=X, implied_vol=implied_vol, window_size=window_size, ) covariance = corr_to_cov(corr, self.pred_realised_vols_) self._set_covariance(covariance) return self
def _predict_realised_vols( self, linear_regressor: skb.BaseEstimator, returns: np.ndarray, implied_vol: np.ndarray, window_size: int, ) -> None: n_observations, n_assets = returns.shape n_folds = n_observations // window_size if n_folds < 3: raise ValueError( f"Not enough observations to compute the volatility regression " f"coefficients. The window size of {window_size} on {n_observations} " f"observations produces {n_folds} non-overlapping folds. " f"The minimum number of fold is 3. You can either increase the number " f"of observation in your training set or decrease the window size." ) realised_vol = _compute_realised_vol( returns=returns, window_size=window_size, ddof=1 ) implied_vol = _compute_implied_vol( implied_vol=implied_vol, window_size=window_size ) if realised_vol.shape != implied_vol.shape: raise ValueError("`realised_vol`and `implied_vol` must have same shape") assert realised_vol.shape[0] == n_folds rv = np.log(realised_vol) iv = np.log(implied_vol) self.linear_regressors_ = [] self.pred_realised_vols_ = np.zeros(n_assets) self.coefs_ = np.zeros((n_assets, 2)) self.intercepts_ = np.zeros(n_assets) self.r2_scores_ = np.zeros(n_assets) for i in range(n_assets): model = sk.clone(linear_regressor) X = np.hstack((iv[:, [i]], rv[:, [i]])) X_train = X[:-1] X_pred = X[[-1]] y_train = rv[1:, i], y=y_train) self.coefs_[i, :] = model.coef_ self.intercepts_[i] = model.intercept_ self.r2_scores_[i] = sks.r2_score(y_train, model.predict(X_train)) rv_pred = model.predict(X_pred) self.pred_realised_vols_[i] = np.exp(rv_pred[0]) self.linear_regressors_.append(model)
def _compute_realised_vol( returns: np.ndarray, window_size: int, ddof: int = 1 ) -> np.ndarray: """Create the realised volatilities samples for the regression model.""" n_observations, n_assets = returns.shape chunks = n_observations // window_size return np.std( np.reshape( returns[n_observations - chunks * window_size :, :], (chunks, window_size, n_assets), ), ddof=ddof, axis=1, ) def _compute_implied_vol(implied_vol: np.ndarray, window_size: int) -> np.ndarray: """Create the implied volatilities samples for the regression model.""" n_observations, _ = implied_vol.shape chunks = n_observations // window_size return implied_vol[ np.arange( n_observations - (chunks - 1) * window_size - 1, n_observations, window_size ) ] def check_implied_vol(implied_vol: npt.ArrayLike, X: npt.ArrayLike) -> np.ndarray: """Validate implied volatilities. Parameters ---------- implied_vol : array-like of shape (n_observations, n_assets) Implied volatilities of the assets. X : array-like of shape (n_observations, n_assets) Price returns of the assets. Returns ------- implied_vol : ndarray of shape (n_observations, n_assets) Validated implied volatilities. """ # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences n_observations, n_assets = X.shape if implied_vol is None: raise ValueError("`implied_vol` cannot be None") else: implied_vol = skv.check_array( implied_vol, accept_sparse=False, ensure_2d=False, dtype=[np.float64, np.float32], order="C", copy=False, input_name="implied_vol", ) if implied_vol.ndim != 2: raise ValueError( "Sample weights must be 2D array of shape (n_observation, n_assets)" ) if implied_vol.shape != (n_observations, n_assets): raise ValueError( f"implied_vol.shape == {(implied_vol.shape,)}, " f"expected {(n_observations, n_assets)}" ) skv.check_non_negative((n_observations, n_assets), "`implied_vol`") # noinspection PyTypeChecker return implied_vol