Source code for skfolio.optimization.convex._base

"""Base Convex Optimization estimator."""

# Copyright (c) 2023
# Author: Hugo Delatte <>
# License: BSD 3 clause
# The optimization features are derived
# from Riskfolio-Lib, Copyright (c) 2020-2023, Dany Cajas, Licensed under BSD 3 clause.

import warnings
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from enum import auto
from typing import Any

import cvxpy as cp
import cvxpy.constraints.constraint as cpc
import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt
import scipy as sc
import scipy.sparse.linalg as scl
import sklearn.utils.metadata_routing as skm
from cvxpy.reductions.solvers.defines import MI_SOLVERS

import skfolio.typing as skt
from skfolio.measures import RiskMeasure, owa_gmd_weights
from skfolio.optimization._base import BaseOptimization
from skfolio.prior import BasePrior, PriorModel
from skfolio.uncertainty_set import (
from skfolio.utils.equations import equations_to_matrix, group_cardinalities_to_matrix
from import AutoEnum, cache_method, input_to_array

INSTALLED_SOLVERS = cp.installed_solvers()

[docs] class ObjectiveFunction(AutoEnum): r"""Enumeration of objective functions. Attributes ---------- MINIMIZE_RISK : str Minimize the risk measure. MAXIMIZE_RETURN : str Maximize the expected return. MAXIMIZE_UTILITY : str Maximize the utility :math:`w^T\mu - \lambda \times risk(w)`. MAXIMIZE_RATIO : str Maximize the ratio :math:`\frac{w^T\mu - R_{f}}{risk(w)}`. """ MINIMIZE_RISK = auto() MAXIMIZE_RETURN = auto() MAXIMIZE_UTILITY = auto() MAXIMIZE_RATIO = auto()
[docs] class ConvexOptimization(BaseOptimization, ABC): r"""Base class for all convex optimization estimators in skfolio. All risk measures that have a convex formulation are defined in class methods with naming convention: `_{risk_measure}_risk`. That naming convention is used for dynamic lookup. CVX expressions that are shared among multiple risk measures are cached in a dictionary named `_cvx_cache`. This is to avoid cvx expression duplication and improve performance and convergence. Parameters ---------- risk_measure : RiskMeasure, default=RiskMeasure.VARIANCE :class:`~skfolio.meta.RiskMeasure` of the optimization. Can be any of: * VARIANCE * SEMI_VARIANCE * STANDARD_DEVIATION * SEMI_DEVIATION * MEAN_ABSOLUTE_DEVIATION * FIRST_LOWER_PARTIAL_MOMENT * CVAR * EVAR * WORST_REALIZATION * CDAR * MAX_DRAWDOWN * AVERAGE_DRAWDOWN * EDAR * ULCER_INDEX * GINI_MEAN_DIFFERENCE_RATIO The default is `RiskMeasure.VARIANCE`. prior_estimator : BasePrior, optional :ref:`Prior estimator <prior>`. The prior estimator is used to estimate the :class:`~skfolio.prior.PriorModel` containing the estimation of assets expected returns, covariance matrix, returns and Cholesky decomposition of the covariance. The default (`None`) is to use :class:`~skfolio.prior.EmpiricalPrior`. min_weights : float | dict[str, float] | array-like of shape (n_assets, ) | None, default=0.0 Minimum assets weights (weights lower bounds). If a float is provided, it is applied to each asset. `None` is equivalent to `-np.Inf` (no lower bound). If a dictionary is provided, its (key/value) pair must be the (asset name/asset minium weight) and the input `X` of the `fit` method must be a DataFrame with the assets names in columns. When using a dictionary, assets values that are not provided are assigned a minimum weight of `0.0`. The default value is `0.0` (no short selling). Example: * `min_weights = 0` --> long only portfolio (no short selling). * `min_weights = None` --> no lower bound (same as `-np.Inf`). * `min_weights = -2` --> each weight must be above -200%. * `min_weights = {"SX5E": 0, "SPX": -2}` * `min_weights = [0, -2]` max_weights : float | dict[str, float] | array-like of shape (n_assets, ) | None, default=1.0 Maximum assets weights (weights upper bounds). If a float is provided, it is applied to each asset. `None` is equivalent to `+np.Inf` (no upper bound). If a dictionary is provided, its (key/value) pair must be the (asset name/asset maximum weight) and the input `X` of the `fit` method must be a DataFrame with the assets names in columns. When using a dictionary, assets values that are not provided are assigned a minimum weight of `1.0`. The default value is `1.0` (each asset is below 100%). Example: * `max_weights = 0` --> no long position (short only portfolio). * `max_weights = None` --> no upper bound. * `max_weights = 2` --> each weight must be below 200%. * `max_weights = {"SX5E": 1, "SPX": 2}` * `max_weights = [1, 2]` budget : float | None, default=1.0 Investment budget. It is the sum of long positions and short positions (sum of all weights). `None` means no budget constraints. The default value is `1.0` (fully invested portfolio). Examples: * `budget = 1` --> fully invested portfolio. * `budget = 0` --> market neutral portfolio. * `budget = None` --> no constraints on the sum of weights. min_budget : float, optional Minimum budget. It is the lower bound of the sum of long and short positions (sum of all weights). If provided, you must set `budget=None`. The default (`None`) means no minimum budget constraint. max_budget : float, optional Maximum budget. It is the upper bound of the sum of long and short positions (sum of all weights). If provided, you must set `budget=None`. The default (`None`) means no maximum budget constraint. max_short : float, optional Maximum short position. The short position is defined as the sum of negative weights (in absolute term). The default (`None`) means no maximum short position. max_long : float, optional Maximum long position. The long position is defined as the sum of positive weights. The default (`None`) means no maximum long position. cardinality : int, optional Specifies the cardinality constraint to limit the number of invested assets (non-zero weights). This feature requires a mixed-integer solver. For an open-source option, we recommend using SCIP by setting `solver="SCIP"`. To install it, use: `pip install cvxpy[SCIP]`. For commercial solvers, supported options include MOSEK, GUROBI, or CPLEX. group_cardinalities : dict[str, int], optional A dictionary specifying cardinality constraints for specific groups of assets. The keys represent group names (strings), and the values specify the maximum number of assets allowed in each group. You must provide the groups using the `groups` parameter. This requires a mixed-integer solver (see `cardinality` for more details). threshold_long : float | dict[str, float] | array-like of shape (n_assets, ), optional Specifies the minimum weight threshold for assets in the portfolio to be considered as a long position. Assets with weights below this threshold will not be included as part of the portfolio's long positions. This constraint can help eliminate insignificant allocations. This requires a mixed-integer solver (see `cardinality` for more details). It follows the same format as `min_weights` and `max_weights`. threshold_short : float | dict[str, float] | array-like of shape (n_assets, ), optional Specifies the maximum weight threshold for assets in the portfolio to be considered as a short position. Assets with weights above this threshold will not be included as part of the portfolio's short positions. This constraint can help control the magnitude of short positions. This requires a mixed-integer solver (see `cardinality` for more details). It follows the same format as `min_weights` and `max_weights`. transaction_costs : float | dict[str, float] | array-like of shape (n_assets, ), default=0.0 Transaction costs of the assets. It is used to add linear transaction costs to the optimization problem: .. math:: total\_cost = \sum_{i=1}^{N} c_{i} \times |w_{i} - w\_prev_{i}| with :math:`c_{i}` the transaction cost of asset i, :math:`w_{i}` its weight and :math:`w\_prev_{i}` its previous weight (defined in `previous_weights`). The float :math:`total\_cost` is impacting the portfolio expected return in the optimization: .. math:: expected\_return = \mu^{T} \cdot w - total\_cost with :math:`\mu` the vector af assets' expected returns and :math:`w` the vector of assets weights. If a float is provided, it is applied to each asset. If a dictionary is provided, its (key/value) pair must be the (asset name/asset cost) and the input `X` of the `fit` method must be a DataFrame with the assets names in columns. The default value is `0.0`. .. warning:: Based on the above formula, the periodicity of the transaction costs needs to be homogenous to the periodicity of :math:`\mu`. For example, if the input `X` is composed of **daily** returns, the `transaction_costs` need to be expressed as **daily** costs. (See :ref:``) management_fees : float | dict[str, float] | array-like of shape (n_assets, ), default=0.0 Management fees of the assets. It is used to add linear management fees to the optimization problem: .. math:: total\_fee = \sum_{i=1}^{N} f_{i} \times w_{i} with :math:`f_{i}` the management fee of asset i and :math:`w_{i}` its weight. The float :math:`total\_fee` is impacting the portfolio expected return in the optimization: .. math:: expected\_return = \mu^{T} \cdot w - total\_fee with :math:`\mu` the vector af assets expected returns and :math:`w` the vector of assets weights. If a float is provided, it is applied to each asset. If a dictionary is provided, its (key/value) pair must be the (asset name/asset fee) and the input `X` of the `fit` method must be a DataFrame with the assets names in columns. The default value is `0.0`. .. warning:: Based on the above formula, the periodicity of the management fees needs to be homogenous to the periodicity of :math:`\mu`. For example, if the input `X` is composed of **daily** returns, the `management_fees` need to be expressed in **daily** fees. .. note:: Another approach is to directly impact the management fees to the input `X` in order to express the returns net of fees. However, when estimating the :math:`\mu` parameter using for example Shrinkage estimators, this approach would mix a deterministic value with an uncertain one leading to unwanted bias in the management fees. previous_weights : float | dict[str, float] | array-like of shape (n_assets, ), optional Previous weights of the assets. Previous weights are used to compute the portfolio cost and the portfolio turnover. If a float is provided, it is applied to each asset. If a dictionary is provided, its (key/value) pair must be the (asset name/asset previous weight) and the input `X` of the `fit` method must be a DataFrame with the assets names in columns. The default (`None`) means no previous weights. l1_coef : float, default=0.0 L1 regularization coefficient. It is used to penalize the objective function by the L1 norm: .. math:: l1\_coef \times \Vert w \Vert_{1} = l1\_coef \times \sum_{i=1}^{N} |w_{i}| Increasing this coefficient will reduce the number of non-zero weights (cardinality). It tends to increase robustness (out-of-sample stability) but reduces diversification. The default value is `0.0`. l2_coef : float, default=0.0 L2 regularization coefficient. It is used to penalize the objective function by the L2 norm: .. math:: l2\_coef \times \Vert w \Vert_{2}^{2} = l2\_coef \times \sum_{i=1}^{N} w_{i}^2 It tends to increase robustness (out-of-sample stability). The default value is `0.0`. mu_uncertainty_set_estimator : BaseMuUncertaintySet, optional :ref:`Mu Uncertainty set estimator <uncertainty_set_estimator>`. If provided, the assets expected returns are modelled with an ellipsoidal uncertainty set. It is called worst-case optimization and is a class of robust optimization. It reduces the instability that arises from the estimation errors of the expected returns. The worst case portfolio expect return is: .. math:: w^T\hat{\mu} - \kappa_{\mu}\lVert S_{\mu}^\frac{1}{2}w\rVert_{2} with :math:`\kappa` the size of the ellipsoid (confidence region) and :math:`S` its shape. The default (`None`) means that no uncertainty set is used. covariance_uncertainty_set_estimator : BaseCovarianceUncertaintySet, optional :ref:`Covariance Uncertainty set estimator <uncertainty_set_estimator>`. If provided, the assets covariance matrix is modelled with an ellipsoidal uncertainty set. It is called worst-case optimization and is a class of robust optimization. It reduces the instability that arises from the estimation errors of the covariance matrix. The default (`None`) means that no uncertainty set is used. linear_constraints : array-like of shape (n_constraints,), optional Linear constraints. The linear constraints must match any of following patterns: * "2.5 * ref1 + 0.10 * ref2 + 0.0013 <= 2.5 * ref3" * "ref1 >= 2.9 * ref2" * "ref1 == ref2" * "ref1 >= ref1" With "ref1", "ref2" ... the assets names or the groups names provided in the parameter `groups`. Assets names can be referenced without the need of `groups` if the input `X` of the `fit` method is a DataFrame with these assets names in columns. Examples: * "SPX >= 0.10" --> SPX weight must be greater than 10% (note that you can also use `min_weights`) * "SX5E + TLT >= 0.2" --> the sum of SX5E and TLT weights must be greater than 20% * "US == 0.7" --> the sum of all US weights must be equal to 70% * "Equity == 3 * Bond" --> the sum of all Equity weights must be equal to 3 times the sum of all Bond weights. * "2*SPX + 3*Europe <= Bond + 0.05" --> mixing assets and group constraints groups : dict[str, list[str]] or array-like of shape (n_groups, n_assets), optional The assets groups referenced in `linear_constraints`. If a dictionary is provided, its (key/value) pair must be the (asset name/asset groups) and the input `X` of the `fit` method must be a DataFrame with the assets names in columns. Examples: * groups = {"SX5E": ["Equity", "Europe"], "SPX": ["Equity", "US"], "TLT": ["Bond", "US"]} * groups = [["Equity", "Equity", "Bond"], ["Europe", "US", "US"]] left_inequality : array-like of shape (n_constraints, n_assets), optional Left inequality matrix :math:`A` of the linear constraint :math:`A \cdot w \leq b`. right_inequality : array-like of shape (n_constraints, ), optional Right inequality vector :math:`b` of the linear constraint :math:`A \cdot w \leq b`. risk_free_rate : float, default=0.0 Risk-free interest rate. The default value is `0.0`. min_acceptable_return : float, optional The minimum acceptable return used to distinguish "downside" and "upside" returns for the computation of lower partial moments: * First Lower Partial Moment * Semi-Variance * Semi-Deviation The default (`None`) is to use the mean. cvar_beta : float, default=0.95 CVaR (Conditional Value at Risk) confidence level. The default value is `0.95`. evar_beta : float, default=0 EVaR (Entropic Value at Risk) confidence level. The default value is `0.95`. cdar_beta : float, default=0.95 CDaR (Conditional Drawdown at Risk) confidence level. The default value is `0.95`. edar_beta : float, default=0.95 EDaR (Entropic Drawdown at Risk) confidence level. The default value is `0.95`. add_objective : Callable[[cp.Variable], cp.Expression], optional Add a custom objective to the existing objective expression. It is a function that must take as argument the weights `w` and returns a CVXPY expression. add_constraints : Callable[[cp.Variable], cp.Expression|list[cp.Expression]], optional Add a custom constraint or a list of constraints to the existing constraints. It is a function that must take as argument the weights `w` and returns a CVPXY expression or a list of CVPXY expressions. overwrite_expected_return : Callable[[cp.Variable], cp.Expression], optional Overwrite the expected return :math:`\mu \cdot w` with a custom expression. It is a function that must take as argument the weights `w` and returns a CVPXY expression. solver : str, default="CLARABEL" The solver to use. The default is "CLARABEL" which is written in Rust and has better numerical stability and performance than ECOS and SCS. Cvxpy will replace its default solver "ECOS" by "CLARABEL" in future releases. For more details about available solvers, check the CVXPY documentation: solver_params : dict, optional Solver parameters. For example, `solver_params=dict(verbose=True)`. The default (`None`) is use `{"tol_gap_abs": 1e-9, "tol_gap_rel": 1e-9}` for the solver "CLARABEL" and the CVXPY default otherwise. For more details about solver arguments, check the CVXPY documentation: scale_objective : float, optional Scale each objective element by this value. It can be used to increase the optimization accuracies in specific cases. The default (`None`) is set depending on the problem. scale_constraints : float, optional Scale each constraint element by this value. It can be used to increase the optimization accuracies in specific cases. The default (`None`) is set depending on the problem. save_problem : bool, default=False If this is set to True, the CVXPY Problem is saved in `problem_`. The default is `False`. raise_on_failure : bool, default=True If this is set to True, an error is raised when the optimization fail otherwise it passes with a warning. portfolio_params : dict, optional Portfolio parameters passed to the portfolio evaluated by the `predict` and `score` methods. If not provided, the `name`, `transaction_costs`, `management_fees`, `previous_weights` and `risk_free_rate` are copied from the optimization model and passed to the portfolio. Attributes ---------- weights_ : ndarray of shape (n_assets,) or (n_optimizations, n_assets) Weights of the assets. problem_values_ : dict[str, float] | list[dict[str, float]] of size n_optimizations Expression values retrieved from the CVXPY problem. prior_estimator_ : BasePrior Fitted `prior_estimator`. mu_uncertainty_set_estimator_ : BaseMuUncertaintySet Fitted `mu_uncertainty_set_estimator` if provided. covariance_uncertainty_set_estimator_ : BaseCovarianceUncertaintySet Fitted `covariance_uncertainty_set_estimator` if provided. problem_: cvxpy.Problem CVXPY problem used for the optimization. Only when `save_problem` is set to `True`. """ _solver_params: dict _scale_objective: cp.Constant _scale_constraints: cp.Constant _cvx_cache: dict problem_: cp.Problem problem_values_: dict[str, float] | list[dict[str, float]] prior_estimator_: BasePrior mu_uncertainty_set_estimator_: BaseMuUncertaintySet covariance_uncertainty_set_estimator_: BaseCovarianceUncertaintySet @abstractmethod def __init__( self, risk_measure: RiskMeasure = RiskMeasure.VARIANCE, prior_estimator: BasePrior | None = None, min_weights: skt.MultiInput | None = 0.0, max_weights: skt.MultiInput | None = 1.0, budget: float | None = 1.0, min_budget: float | None = None, max_budget: float | None = None, max_short: float | None = None, max_long: float | None = None, cardinality: int | None = None, group_cardinalities: dict[str, int] | None = None, threshold_long: skt.MultiInput | None = None, threshold_short: skt.MultiInput | None = None, transaction_costs: skt.MultiInput = 0.0, management_fees: skt.MultiInput = 0.0, previous_weights: skt.MultiInput | None = None, groups: skt.Groups | None = None, linear_constraints: skt.LinearConstraints | None = None, left_inequality: skt.Inequality | None = None, right_inequality: skt.Inequality | None = None, l1_coef: float = 0.0, l2_coef: float = 0.0, mu_uncertainty_set_estimator: BaseMuUncertaintySet | None = None, covariance_uncertainty_set_estimator: ( BaseCovarianceUncertaintySet | None ) = None, risk_free_rate: float = 0.0, min_acceptable_return: skt.Target | None = None, cvar_beta: float = 0.95, evar_beta: float = 0.95, cdar_beta: float = 0.95, edar_beta: float = 0.95, solver: str = "CLARABEL", solver_params: dict | None = None, scale_objective: float | None = None, scale_constraints: float | None = None, save_problem: bool = False, raise_on_failure: bool = True, add_objective: skt.ExpressionFunction | None = None, add_constraints: skt.ExpressionFunction | None = None, overwrite_expected_return: skt.ExpressionFunction | None = None, portfolio_params: dict | None = None, ): super().__init__(portfolio_params=portfolio_params) if risk_measure.is_annualized: warnings.warn( f"The annualized risk measure {risk_measure} will be converted" f"to its non-annualized version {risk_measure.non_annualized_measure}", stacklevel=2, ) risk_measure = risk_measure.non_annualized_measure self.risk_measure = risk_measure self.prior_estimator = prior_estimator self.mu_uncertainty_set_estimator = mu_uncertainty_set_estimator self.covariance_uncertainty_set_estimator = covariance_uncertainty_set_estimator self.min_weights = min_weights self.max_weights = max_weights self.budget = budget self.min_budget = min_budget self.max_budget = max_budget self.max_short = max_short self.max_long = max_long self.cardinality = cardinality self.group_cardinalities = group_cardinalities self.threshold_long = threshold_long self.threshold_short = threshold_short self.min_acceptable_return = min_acceptable_return self.transaction_costs = transaction_costs self.management_fees = management_fees self.previous_weights = previous_weights self.groups = groups self.linear_constraints = linear_constraints self.left_inequality = left_inequality self.right_inequality = right_inequality self.l1_coef = l1_coef self.l2_coef = l2_coef self.risk_free_rate = risk_free_rate self.add_objective = add_objective self.add_constraints = add_constraints self.overwrite_expected_return = overwrite_expected_return self.solver = solver self.solver_params = solver_params self.save_problem = save_problem self.raise_on_failure = raise_on_failure self.scale_objective = scale_objective self.scale_constraints = scale_constraints self.cvar_beta = cvar_beta self.evar_beta = evar_beta self.cdar_beta = cdar_beta self.edar_beta = edar_beta self._clear_models_cache() def _call_custom_func( self, func: skt.ExpressionFunction, w: cp.Variable, name: str = "custom_func" ) -> cp.Expression | list[cp.Expression]: """Call a user specific function, infer arguments and perform validation. Parameters ---------- func : Callable[[cvxpy Variable, any], cvxpy Expression] The custom function. Must have one or two positional arguments. The first argument is the CVXPY weight variable `w` and the second is the reference to the class itself. w : cvxpy Variable The CVXPY Variable representing assets weights. Returns ------- result : cvxpy Expression | list[cvxpy Expression] Result of calling the custom function. """ try: # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences func_code = func.__code__ except AttributeError as err: raise ValueError("Custom functions is invalid") from err if func_code.co_argcount == 1: args = (w,) elif func_code.co_argcount == 2: args = (w, self) else: raise ValueError( "Custom functions must have 1 or 2 positional arguments, got" f" {func_code.co_argcount}" ) try: return func(*args) except Exception as err: raise TypeError( f"Error while calling {name}. " f"{name} must be a function taking as argument " "the weight variable OR the weight variable and the estimator object." ) from err def _clean_input( self, value: float | dict | npt.ArrayLike | None, n_assets: int, fill_value: Any, name: str, ) -> float | np.ndarray: """Convert input to cleaned float or ndarray. Parameters ---------- value : float, dict, array-like or None. Input value to clean. n_assets : int Number of assets. Used to verify the shape of the converted array. fill_value : Any When `items` is a dictionary, elements that are not in `asset_names` are filled with `fill_value` in the converted array. name : str Name used for error messages. Returns ------- value : float or ndarray of shape (n_assets,) The cleaned float or 1D array. """ if value is None: return fill_value if np.isscalar(value): return float(value) return input_to_array( items=value, n_assets=n_assets, fill_value=fill_value, dim=1, assets_names=( self.feature_names_in_ if hasattr(self, "feature_names_in_") else None ), name=name, ) def _clear_models_cache(self): """CLear the cache of CVX models""" self._cvx_cache = {} def _get_weight_constraints( self, n_assets: int, w: cp.Variable, factor: skt.Factor, allow_negative_weights: bool = True, ) -> list[cpc.Constraint]: """Compute weight constraints from input parameters. Parameters ---------- n_assets : int Number of assets. w : cvxpy Variable The CVXPY Variable representing assets weights. factor : cvxpy Variable | cvxpy Constant Cvxpy variable or constant. Returns ------- constrains : list[cvxpy Constrains] The list of weights constraints. """ constraints = [] # Clean and convert to array min_weights = self.min_weights max_weights = self.max_weights threshold_long = self.threshold_long threshold_short = self.threshold_short groups = self.groups if min_weights is not None: min_weights = self._clean_input( min_weights, n_assets=n_assets, fill_value=0, name="min_weights", ) if max_weights is not None: max_weights = self._clean_input( max_weights, n_assets=n_assets, fill_value=1, name="max_weights", ) if threshold_long is not None: threshold_long = self._clean_input( threshold_long, n_assets=n_assets, fill_value=0, name="threshold_long", ) if np.all(threshold_long == 0): threshold_long = None if threshold_short is not None: threshold_short = self._clean_input( threshold_short, n_assets=n_assets, fill_value=0, name="threshold_short", ) if np.all(threshold_short == 0): threshold_short = None if groups is not None: groups = input_to_array( items=groups, n_assets=n_assets, fill_value="", dim=2, assets_names=( self.feature_names_in_ if hasattr(self, "feature_names_in_") else None ), name="groups", ) is_mip = ( (self.cardinality is not None and self.cardinality < n_assets) or (self.group_cardinalities is not None) or self.threshold_long is not None or self.threshold_short is not None ) if is_mip and self.solver not in MI_SOLVERS: raise ValueError( "You are using constraints that require a mixed-integer solver and " f"{self.solver} doesn't support MIP problems. For an open-source " "option, we recommend using SCIP by setting `solver='SCIP'`. " "To install it, use: `pip install cvxpy[SCIP]`. For commercial " "solvers, supported options include MOSEK, GUROBI, or CPLEX." ) # Constraints if min_weights is not None: if not allow_negative_weights and np.any(min_weights < 0): raise ValueError( f"{self.__class__.__name__} must have non negative `min_weights` " f"constraint otherwise the problem becomes non-convex." ) constraints.append( w * self._scale_constraints >= min_weights * factor * self._scale_constraints ) if max_weights is not None: constraints.append( w * self._scale_constraints <= max_weights * factor * self._scale_constraints ) if self.max_long is not None: max_long = float(self.max_long) if max_long <= 0: raise ValueError("`max_long` must be strictly positif") constraints.append( cp.sum(cp.pos(w)) * self._scale_constraints <= max_long * factor * self._scale_constraints ) if self.max_short is not None: max_short = float(self.max_short) if max_short <= 0: raise ValueError("`max_short` must be strictly positif") constraints.append( cp.sum(cp.neg(w)) * self._scale_constraints <= max_short * factor * self._scale_constraints ) if self.min_budget is not None: constraints.append( cp.sum(w) * self._scale_constraints >= float(self.min_budget) * factor * self._scale_constraints ) if self.max_budget is not None: constraints.append( cp.sum(w) * self._scale_constraints <= float(self.max_budget) * factor * self._scale_constraints ) if self.budget is not None: if self.max_budget is not None: raise ValueError( "`max_budget`and `budget` cannot be provided at the same time" ) if self.min_budget is not None: raise ValueError( "`min_budget`and `budget` cannot be provided at the same time" ) constraints.append( cp.sum(w) * self._scale_constraints == float(self.budget) * factor * self._scale_constraints ) if is_mip: is_short = np.any(min_weights < 0) if max_weights is None or min_weights is None: raise ValueError( "'max_weights' and 'min_weights' must be provided with cardinality " "constraint" ) if np.all(min_weights > 0): raise ValueError( "Cardinality and Threshold constraint can only be applied " "if 'min_weights' are not all strictly positive (you allow some " "weights to be 0)" ) if self.group_cardinalities is not None and groups is None: raise ValueError( "When 'group_cardinalities' is provided, you must also " "also provide 'groups'" ) if ( self.threshold_long is not None and self.threshold_short is None and is_short ): raise ValueError( "When 'threshold_long' is provided and 'min_weights' can be negative " "(short position are allowed), then 'threshold_short' must also be " "provided" ) if threshold_short is not None and threshold_long is None: raise ValueError( "When 'threshold_short' is provided, 'threshold_long' must also be " "provided" ) if self.threshold_short is not None and is_short: constraints += _mip_weight_constraints_threshold_short( n_assets=n_assets, w=w, factor=factor, scale_constraints=self._scale_constraints, cardinality=self.cardinality, group_cardinalities=self.group_cardinalities, max_weights=max_weights, groups=groups, min_weights=min_weights, threshold_long=threshold_long, threshold_short=threshold_short, ) else: constraints += _mip_weight_constraints_no_short_threshold( n_assets=n_assets, w=w, factor=factor, scale_constraints=self._scale_constraints, cardinality=self.cardinality, group_cardinalities=self.group_cardinalities, max_weights=max_weights, groups=groups, min_weights=min_weights, threshold_long=threshold_long, ) if self.linear_constraints is not None: if groups is None: if not hasattr(self, "feature_names_in_"): raise ValueError( "If `linear_constraints` is provided you must provide either" " `groups` or `X` as a DataFrame with asset names in columns" ) groups = np.asarray([self.feature_names_in_]) a_eq, b_eq, a_ineq, b_ineq = equations_to_matrix( groups=groups, equations=self.linear_constraints, raise_if_group_missing=False, ) if len(a_eq) != 0: constraints.append( a_eq @ w * self._scale_constraints - b_eq * factor * self._scale_constraints == 0 ) if len(a_ineq) != 0: constraints.append( a_ineq @ w * self._scale_constraints - b_ineq * factor * self._scale_constraints <= 0 ) if self.left_inequality is not None and self.right_inequality is not None: left_inequality = np.asarray(self.left_inequality) right_inequality = np.asarray(self.right_inequality) if left_inequality.ndim != 2: raise ValueError( f"`left_inequality` must be a 2D array, got {left_inequality.ndim}D" " array" ) if right_inequality.ndim != 1: raise ValueError( "`right_inequality` must be a 1D array, got" f" {right_inequality.ndim}D array" ) if left_inequality.shape[1] != n_assets: raise ValueError( "`left_inequality` must be of shape (n_inequalities, n_assets) " f"with n_assets={n_assets}, got {left_inequality.shape[1]}" ) if left_inequality.shape[0] != right_inequality.shape[0]: raise ValueError( "`left_inequality` and `right_inequality` must have same number of" f" rows (i.e. n_inequalities) , got {left_inequality.shape[0]} and" f" {right_inequality.shape[0]}" ) constraints.append( left_inequality @ w * self._scale_constraints - right_inequality * factor * self._scale_constraints <= 0 ) return constraints def _set_solver_params(self, default: dict | None) -> None: """Set the solver params by saving its value in `_solver_params`. It uses `solver` if provided otherwise it uses the `default` solver. Parameters ---------- default : str The default solver params to use when `solver_params` is `None`. """ if self.solver_params is None: self._solver_params = default if default is not None else {} else: self._solver_params = self.solver_params def _set_scale_objective(self, default: float) -> None: """Set the objective scale by saving its value in `_scale_objective`. It uses `scale_objective` if provided otherwise it uses the `default` scale. Parameters ---------- default : float The default objective scale to use when `scale_objective` is `None`. """ if self.scale_objective is None: self._scale_objective = cp.Constant(default) else: self._scale_objective = cp.Constant(self.scale_objective) def _set_scale_constraints(self, default: float) -> None: """Set the constraints scale by saving its value in `_scale_constraints`. It uses `scale_constraints` if provided otherwise it uses the `default` scale. Parameters ---------- default : float The default constraints scale to use when `scale_constraints` is `None`. """ if self.scale_constraints is None: self._scale_constraints = cp.Constant(default) else: self._scale_constraints = cp.Constant(self.scale_constraints) def _get_custom_objective(self, w: cp.Variable) -> cp.Expression: """Returns the CVXPY expression evaluated by calling the `add_objective` function if provided, otherwise returns the CVXPY constant `0`. Parameters ---------- w : cvxpy Variable The CVXPY Variable representing assets weights. Returns ------- expression : cvxpy Expression The CVXPY expression evaluated by calling the `add_objective` function if provided, otherwise returns the CVXPY constant `0`. """ if self.add_objective is None: return cp.Constant(0) return self._call_custom_func( func=self.add_objective, w=w, name="add_objective" ) def _get_custom_constraints(self, w: cp.Variable) -> list[cp.Expression]: """Returns the list of CVXPY expressions evaluated by calling the `add_constraint`s function if provided, otherwise returns an empty list. Parameters ---------- w : cvxpy Variable The CVXPY Variable representing assets weights. Returns ------- expressions : list of cvxpy Expression The list of CVXPY expressions evaluated by calling the `add_constraints` function if provided, otherwise returns an empty list. """ if self.add_constraints is None: return [] constraints = self._call_custom_func( func=self.add_constraints, w=w, name="add_constraint" ) if isinstance(constraints, list): return constraints return [constraints] @cache_method("_cvx_cache") def _cvx_expected_return( self, prior_model: PriorModel, w: cp.Variable ) -> cp.Expression: """Expected Return expression""" if self.overwrite_expected_return is None: expected_return = @ w else: expected_return = self._call_custom_func( func=self.overwrite_expected_return, w=w, name="overwrite_expected_return", ) return expected_return # Model reused among multiple risk measure def _solve_problem( self, problem: cp.Problem, w: cp.Variable, factor: skt.Factor, parameters_values: skt.ParametersValues = None, expressions: dict[str, cp.Expression] | None = None, ) -> None: """Solve the CVXPY Problem and save the results in `weights_`, `problem_values_` and `problem_`. Parameters ---------- problem : cvxpy Problem The CVXPY Problem. w : cvxpy Variable The CVXPY Variable representing assets weights. expressions : dict[str, cvxpy Expression] | None, optional Dictionary of CVXPY Expressions from which values are retrieved and saved in `expression_values_`. It is used to save additional information about the problem. parameters_values: list[tuple[cvxpy Parameter, float | ndarray]], optional A list of tuple of CVXPY Parameter and their values. If The values are ndarray instead of float, the optimization is solved for each element in the array. factor: cvxpy Variable | cvxpy Constant CVXPY Variable or Constant used for RatioMeasure optimization problems. """ if self.solver not in INSTALLED_SOLVERS: raise ValueError(f"The solver {self.solver} is not installed.") if parameters_values is None: parameters_values = [] if expressions is None: expressions = {} n_optimizations = 1 if len(parameters_values) != 0: # If the parameter value is a list, each element is the parameter value of # a distinct optimization. Therefore, each list must have same length. sizes = [len(v) for p, v in parameters_values if not np.isscalar(v)] if not np.all(sizes): raise ValueError( "All list elements from `parameters_values` should have same length" ) if len(sizes) != 0: n_optimizations = sizes[0] # Scalar parameter values will be used in each optimization, therefore we # transform them to a list. parameters_values = [ (p, [v] * n_optimizations) if np.isscalar(v) else (p, v) for p, v in parameters_values ] all_weights = [] all_problem_values = [] optimal = True for i in range(n_optimizations): for parameter, values in parameters_values: parameter.value = values[i] try: # We suppress cvxpy warning as it is redundant with our warning with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") problem.solve(solver=self.solver, **self._solver_params) if w.value is None: raise cp.SolverError("No solution found") weights = w.value / factor.value problem_values = { name: expression.value / factor.value if name != "factor" else expression.value for name, expression in expressions.items() } problem_values["objective"] = ( problem.value / self._scale_objective.value ) if ( self.risk_measure in [RiskMeasure.VARIANCE, RiskMeasure.SEMI_VARIANCE] and "risk" in problem_values ): problem_values["risk"] /= factor.value all_problem_values.append(problem_values) all_weights.append(np.array(weights, dtype=float)) if problem.status != cp.OPTIMAL: optimal = False except (cp.SolverError, scl.ArpackNoConvergence): params_string = " ".join( [f"{p.value:0g}" for p in problem.parameters()] ) if len(params_string) != 0: params_string = f" with parameters {params_string}" msg = ( f"Solver '{self.solver}' failed{params_string}. Try another" " solver, or solve with solver_params=dict(verbose=True) for more" " information" ) if self.raise_on_failure: raise cp.SolverError(msg) from None else: warnings.warn(msg, stacklevel=2) if not optimal: warnings.warn( "Solution may be inaccurate. Try changing the solver params or the" " scale. For more details, set `solver_params=dict(verbose=True)`", stacklevel=2, ) if n_optimizations == 1: self.weights_ = all_weights[0] self.problem_values_ = all_problem_values[0] else: self.weights_ = np.array(all_weights, dtype=float) self.problem_values_ = all_problem_values if self.save_problem: self.problem_ = problem self._clear_models_cache() @cache_method("_cvx_cache") def _cvx_mu_uncertainty_set( self, mu_uncertainty_set: UncertaintySet, w: cp.Variable ) -> cp.Expression: """Uncertainty Set expression of expected returns. Parameters ---------- mu_uncertainty_set : UncertaintySet The uncertainty set model of expected returns. w : cvxpy Variable The CVXPY Variable representing assets weights. Returns ------- expression : cvxpy Expression The CVXPY Expression of the uncertainty set of expected returns. """ return mu_uncertainty_set.k * cp.pnorm( sc.linalg.sqrtm(mu_uncertainty_set.sigma) @ w, 2 ) @cache_method("_cvx_cache") def _cvx_regularization(self, w: cp.Variable) -> cp.Expression: """L1 and L2 regularization expression. Parameters ---------- w : cvxpy Variable The CVXPY Variable representing assets weights. Returns ------- expression : cvxpy Expression The CVXPY Expression of L1 and L2 regularization. """ # Norm L1 if self.l1_coef is None or self.l1_coef == 0: l1_reg = cp.Constant(0) else: l1_reg = cp.Constant(self.l1_coef) * cp.norm(w, 1) # Norm L2 if self.l2_coef is None or self.l2_coef == 0: l2_reg = cp.Constant(0) else: l2_reg = self.l2_coef * cp.sum_squares(w) regularization = l1_reg + l2_reg return regularization @cache_method("_cvx_cache") def _cvx_transaction_cost( self, prior_model: PriorModel, w: cp.Variable, factor: skt.Factor ) -> cp.Expression: """Transaction cost expression. Parameters ---------- prior_model : PriorModel The prior model of the assets distributions. w : cvxpy Variable The CVXPY Variable representing assets weights. factor : cvxpy Variable | cvxpy Constant Additional variable used for the optimization of some objective function like the ratio maximization. Returns ------- expression : cvxpy Expression The CVXPY Expression of transaction cost. """ n_assets = prior_model.returns.shape[1] transaction_costs = self._clean_input( self.transaction_costs, n_assets=n_assets, fill_value=0, name="transaction_costs", ) if np.all(transaction_costs == 0): return cp.Constant(0) previous_weights = self._clean_input( self.previous_weights, n_assets=n_assets, fill_value=0, name="previous_weights", ) if np.isscalar(previous_weights): previous_weights *= np.ones(n_assets) if np.isscalar(transaction_costs): return transaction_costs * cp.norm(previous_weights * factor - w, 1) return cp.norm( cp.multiply(transaction_costs, (previous_weights * factor - w)), 1, ) @cache_method("_cvx_cache") def _cvx_management_fee( self, prior_model: PriorModel, w: cp.Variable ) -> cp.Expression: """Management fee expression. Parameters ---------- prior_model : PriorModel The prior model of the assets distributions. w : cvxpy Variable The CVXPY Variable representing assets weights. Returns ------- expression : cvxpy Expression The CVXPY Expression of management fee . """ n_assets = prior_model.returns.shape[1] management_fees = self._clean_input( self.management_fees, n_assets=n_assets, fill_value=0, name="management_fees", ) if np.all(management_fees == 0): return cp.Constant(0) if np.isscalar(management_fees): management_fees *= np.ones(n_assets) return management_fees @ w @cache_method("_cvx_cache") def _cvx_returns(self, prior_model: PriorModel, w: cp.Variable) -> cp.Expression: """Expression of the portfolio returns series. Parameters ---------- prior_model : PriorModel The prior model of the assets distributions. w : cvxpy Variable The CVXPY Variable representing assets weights. Returns ------- expression : cvxpy Expression The CVXPY Expression the portfolio returns series. """ returns = prior_model.returns @ w return returns @cache_method("_cvx_cache") def _turnover( self, n_assets: int, w: cp.Variable, factor: skt.Factor ) -> cp.Expression: """Expression of the portfolio turnover. Parameters ---------- n_assets : int The number of assets. w : cvxpy Variable The CVXPY Variable representing assets weights. factor : cvxpy Variable | cvxpy Constant Additional variable used for the optimization of some objective function like the ratio maximization. Returns ------- expression : cvxpy Expression The CVXPY Expression the portfolio turnover. """ if self.previous_weights is None: raise ValueError( "If you provide `max_turnover`, you must also provide " " `previous_weights`" ) previous_weights = self._clean_input( self.previous_weights, n_assets=n_assets, fill_value=0, name="previous_weights", ) if np.isscalar(previous_weights): previous_weights *= np.ones(n_assets) turnover = cp.abs(w - previous_weights * factor) return turnover @cache_method("_cvx_cache") def _cvx_min_acceptable_return( self, prior_model: PriorModel, w: cp.Variable, min_acceptable_return: skt.Target = None, ) -> cp.Expression: """Expression of the portfolio Minimum Acceptable Returns. Parameters ---------- prior_model : PriorModel The prior model of the assets distributions.. w : cvxpy Variable The CVXPY Variable representing assets weights. min_acceptable_return : float | ndarray of shape (n_assets,) The minimum acceptable return used to distinguish "downside" and "upside" returns for the computation of lower partial moments. Returns ------- expression : cvxpy Expression The CVXPY Expression the portfolio Minimum Acceptable Returns. """ if min_acceptable_return is None: min_acceptable_return = if not np.isscalar(min_acceptable_return) and min_acceptable_return.shape != ( len(min_acceptable_return), 1, ): min_acceptable_return = min_acceptable_return[np.newaxis, :] mar = (prior_model.returns - min_acceptable_return) @ w return mar @cache_method("_cvx_cache") def __cvx_drawdown( self, prior_model: PriorModel, w: cp.Variable, factor: skt.Factor ) -> tuple[cp.Variable, list[cp.Expression]]: """Expression of the portfolio drawdown. Parameters ---------- prior_model : PriorModel The prior model of the assets distributions. w : cvxpy Variable The CVXPY Variable representing assets weights. factor : cvxpy Variable | cvxpy Constant Additional variable used for the optimization of some objective function like the ratio maximization. Returns ------- expression : cvxpy Expression The CVXPY Expression the portfolio drawdown. """ n_observations = prior_model.returns.shape[0] ptf_returns = self._cvx_returns(prior_model=prior_model, w=w) ptf_transaction_cost = self._cvx_transaction_cost( prior_model=prior_model, w=w, factor=factor ) ptf_management_fee = self._cvx_management_fee(prior_model=prior_model, w=w) v = cp.Variable(n_observations + 1) constraints = [ v[1:] * self._scale_constraints >= v[:-1] * self._scale_constraints - ptf_returns * self._scale_constraints + ptf_transaction_cost * self._scale_constraints + ptf_management_fee * self._scale_constraints, v[1:] * self._scale_constraints >= 0, v[0] * self._scale_constraints == 0, ] return v, constraints def _cvx_drawdown( self, prior_model: PriorModel, w: cp.Variable, factor: skt.Factor ) -> tuple[cp.Variable, list[cp.Expression]]: """Expression of the portfolio drawdown. Wrapper around __cvx_drawdown to avoid re-adding the constraints when they have already been included in the problem. Parameters ---------- prior_model : PriorModel The prior model of the assets distributions. w : cvxpy Variable The CVXPY Variable representing assets weights. factor : cvxpy Variable | cvxpy Constant Additional variable used for the optimization of some objective function like the ratio maximization. Returns ------- expression : cvxpy Expression The CVXPY Expression the portfolio drawdown. """ if "__cvx_drawdown" in self._cvx_cache: v, _ = self.__cvx_drawdown(prior_model=prior_model, w=w, factor=factor) return v, [] return self.__cvx_drawdown(prior_model=prior_model, w=w, factor=factor) def _tracking_error( self, prior_model: PriorModel, w: cp.Variable, y: np.ndarray, factor: skt.Factor ) -> cp.Expression: """Expression of the portfolio tracking error. Parameters ---------- prior_model : PriorModel The prior model of the assets distributions. w : cvxpy Variable The CVXPY Variable representing assets weights. y : ndarray of shape (n_observations,) Benchmark for the tracking error computation. factor : cvxpy Variable | cvxpy Constant Additional variable used for the optimization of some objective function like the ratio maximization. Returns ------- expression : cvxpy Expression The CVXPY Expression the portfolio tracking error. """ n_observations = prior_model.returns.shape[0] ptf_returns = self._cvx_returns(prior_model=prior_model, w=w) tracking_error = cp.norm(ptf_returns - y * factor, "fro") / cp.sqrt( n_observations - 1 ) return tracking_error # Risk Measures risk models # They need to be named f'_{risk_measure}_risk' as they are loaded dynamically in # mean_risk_optimization() def _mean_absolute_deviation_risk( self, prior_model: PriorModel, w: cp.Variable, min_acceptable_return: skt.Target ) -> skt.RiskResult: """Expression and Constraints of the Mean Absolute Deviation risk measure. Parameters ---------- prior_model : PriorModel The prior model of the assets distributions. w : cvxpy Variable The CVXPY Variable representing assets weights. min_acceptable_return : float | ndarray of shape (n_assets,) The minimum acceptable return used to distinguish "downside" and "upside" returns for the computation of lower partial moments. Returns ------- expression : tuple[cvxpy Expression , list[cvxpy Expression]] CVXPY Expression and Constraints of the Mean Absolute Deviation risk measure. """ n_observations = prior_model.returns.shape[0] ptf_min_acceptable_return = self._cvx_min_acceptable_return( prior_model=prior_model, w=w, min_acceptable_return=min_acceptable_return ) v = cp.Variable(n_observations, nonneg=True) risk = 2 * cp.sum(v) / n_observations constraints = [ ptf_min_acceptable_return * self._scale_constraints >= -v * self._scale_constraints ] return risk, constraints def _first_lower_partial_moment_risk( self, prior_model: PriorModel, w: cp.Variable, min_acceptable_return: skt.Target, factor: skt.Factor, ) -> skt.RiskResult: """Expression and Constraints of the First Lower Partial Moment risk measure. Parameters ---------- prior_model : PriorModel The prior model of the assets distributions. w : cvxpy Variable The CVXPY Variable representing assets weights. min_acceptable_return : float | ndarray of shape (n_assets,) The minimum acceptable return used to distinguish "downside" and "upside" returns for the computation of lower partial moments. factor : cvxpy Variable | cvxpy Constant Additional variable used for the optimization of some objective function like the ratio maximization. Returns ------- expression : tuple[cvxpy Expression , list[cvxpy Expression]] CVXPY Expression and Constraints of the First Lower Partial Moment risk measure. """ n_observations = prior_model.returns.shape[0] ptf_min_acceptable_return = self._cvx_min_acceptable_return( prior_model=prior_model, w=w, min_acceptable_return=min_acceptable_return ) v = cp.Variable(n_observations, nonneg=True) risk = cp.sum(v) / n_observations constraints = [ self.risk_free_rate * factor * self._scale_constraints - ptf_min_acceptable_return * self._scale_constraints <= v * self._scale_constraints ] return risk, constraints def _standard_deviation_risk( self, prior_model: PriorModel, w: cp.Variable ) -> skt.RiskResult: """Expression and Constraints of the Standard Deviation risk measure. Parameters ---------- prior_model : PriorModel The prior model of the assets distributions. w : cvxpy Variable The CVXPY Variable representing assets weights. Returns ------- expression : tuple[cvxpy Expression , list[cvxpy Expression]] CVXPY Expression and Constraints of the Standard Deviation risk measure. """ v = cp.Variable( nonneg=True ) # nonneg=True instead of constraint v>=0 is preferred for better DCP analysis if prior_model.cholesky is not None: z = prior_model.cholesky else: z = np.linalg.cholesky(prior_model.covariance) risk = v constraints = [ cp.SOC(v * self._scale_constraints, z.T @ w * self._scale_constraints) ] return risk, constraints def _variance_risk(self, prior_model: PriorModel, w: cp.Variable) -> skt.RiskResult: """Expression and Constraints of the Variance risk measure. Parameters ---------- prior_model : PriorModel The prior model of the assets distributions. w : cvxpy Variable The CVXPY Variable representing assets weights. Returns ------- expression : tuple[cvxpy Expression , list[cvxpy Expression]] CVXPY Expression and Constraints the Variance risk measure. """ risk, constraints = self._standard_deviation_risk(prior_model=prior_model, w=w) risk = cp.square(risk) return risk, constraints def _worst_case_variance_risk( self, prior_model: PriorModel, covariance_uncertainty_set: UncertaintySet, w: cp.Variable, factor: skt.Factor, ) -> skt.RiskResult: """Expression and Constraints of the Worst Case Variance. Parameters ---------- prior_model : PriorModel The prior model of the assets distributions. covariance_uncertainty_set : UncertaintySet :ref:`Covariance Uncertainty set estimator <uncertainty_set_estimator>`. w : cvxpy Variable The CVXPY Variable representing assets weights. factor : cvxpy Variable | cvxpy Constant Additional variable used for the optimization of some objective function like the ratio maximization. Returns ------- expression : tuple[cvxpy Expression , list[cvxpy Expression]] CVXPY Expression and Constraints the Worst Case Variance. """ n_assets = prior_model.returns.shape[1] x = cp.Variable((n_assets, n_assets), symmetric=True) y = cp.Variable((n_assets, n_assets), symmetric=True) w_reshaped = cp.reshape(w, (n_assets, 1), order="F") factor_reshaped = cp.reshape(factor, (1, 1), order="F") z1 = cp.vstack([x, w_reshaped.T]) z2 = cp.vstack([w_reshaped, factor_reshaped]) risk = covariance_uncertainty_set.k * cp.pnorm( sc.linalg.sqrtm(covariance_uncertainty_set.sigma) @ (cp.vec(x, order="F") + cp.vec(y, order="F")), 2, ) + cp.trace(prior_model.covariance @ (x + y)) # semi-definite positive constraints # noinspection PyTypeChecker constraints = [ cp.hstack([z1, z2]) * self._scale_constraints >> 0, y * self._scale_constraints >> 0, ] return risk, constraints def _semi_variance_risk( self, prior_model: PriorModel, w: cp.Variable, min_acceptable_return: skt.Target = None, ) -> skt.RiskResult: """Expression and Constraints of the Semi Variance risk measure. Parameters ---------- prior_model : PriorModel The prior model of the assets distributions. w : cvxpy Variable The CVXPY Variable representing assets weights. min_acceptable_return : float | ndarray of shape (n_assets,) The minimum acceptable return used to distinguish "downside" and "upside" returns for the computation of lower partial moments. Returns ------- expression : tuple[cvxpy Expression , list[cvxpy Expression]] CVXPY Expression and Constraints the Semi Variance risk measure. """ n_observations = prior_model.returns.shape[0] ptf_min_acceptable_return = self._cvx_min_acceptable_return( prior_model=prior_model, w=w, min_acceptable_return=min_acceptable_return ) v = cp.Variable(n_observations, nonneg=True) risk = cp.sum_squares(v) / (n_observations - 1) constraints = [ ptf_min_acceptable_return * self._scale_constraints >= -v * self._scale_constraints ] return risk, constraints def _semi_deviation_risk( self, prior_model: PriorModel, w: cp.Variable, min_acceptable_return: skt.Target = None, ) -> skt.RiskResult: """Expression and Constraints of the Semi Standard Deviation risk measure. Parameters ---------- prior_model : PriorModel The prior model of the assets distributions. w : cvxpy Variable The CVXPY Variable representing assets weights. min_acceptable_return : float | ndarray of shape (n_assets,) The minimum acceptable return used to distinguish "downside" and "upside" returns for the computation of lower partial moments. Returns ------- expression : tuple[cvxpy Expression , list[cvxpy Expression]] CVXPY Expression and Constraints the Semi Standard Deviation risk measure. """ n_observations = prior_model.returns.shape[0] ptf_min_acceptable_return = self._cvx_min_acceptable_return( prior_model=prior_model, w=w, min_acceptable_return=min_acceptable_return ) v = cp.Variable(n_observations, nonneg=True) risk = cp.norm(v, 2) / np.sqrt(n_observations - 1) constraints = [ ptf_min_acceptable_return * self._scale_constraints >= -v * self._scale_constraints ] return risk, constraints def _fourth_central_moment_risk(self, w: cp.Variable, factor: skt.Factor): raise NotImplementedError def _fourth_lower_partial_moment_risk(self, w: cp.Variable, factor: skt.Factor): raise NotImplementedError def _worst_realization_risk( self, prior_model: PriorModel, w: cp.Variable, factor: skt.Factor ) -> skt.RiskResult: """Expression and Constraints of the Worst Realization risk measure. Parameters ---------- prior_model : PriorModel The prior model of the assets distributions. w : cvxpy Variable The CVXPY Variable representing assets weights. factor : cvxpy Variable | cvxpy Constant Additional variable used for the optimization of some objective function like the ratio maximization. Returns ------- expression : tuple[cvxpy Expression , list[cvxpy Expression]] CVXPY Expression and Constraints the Worst Realization risk measure. """ ptf_returns = self._cvx_returns(prior_model=prior_model, w=w) ptf_transaction_cost = self._cvx_transaction_cost( prior_model=prior_model, w=w, factor=factor ) ptf_management_fee = self._cvx_management_fee(prior_model=prior_model, w=w) v = cp.Variable() risk = v constraints = [ -ptf_returns * self._scale_constraints + ptf_transaction_cost * self._scale_constraints + ptf_management_fee * self._scale_constraints <= v * self._scale_constraints ] return risk, constraints def _cvar_risk( self, prior_model: PriorModel, w: cp.Variable, factor: skt.Factor, ) -> skt.RiskResult: """Expression and Constraints of the CVaR risk measure. Parameters ---------- prior_model : PriorModel The prior model of the assets distributions. w : cvxpy Variable The CVXPY Variable representing assets weights. factor : cvxpy Variable | cvxpy Constant Additional variable used for the optimization of some objective function like the ratio maximization. Returns ------- expression : tuple[cvxpy Expression , list[cvxpy Expression]] CVXPY Expression and Constraints the CVaR risk measure. """ n_observations = prior_model.returns.shape[0] ptf_returns = self._cvx_returns(prior_model=prior_model, w=w) ptf_transaction_cost = self._cvx_transaction_cost( prior_model=prior_model, w=w, factor=factor ) ptf_management_fee = self._cvx_management_fee(prior_model=prior_model, w=w) alpha = cp.Variable() v = cp.Variable(n_observations, nonneg=True) risk = alpha + 1.0 / (n_observations * (1 - self.cvar_beta)) * cp.sum(v) # noinspection PyTypeChecker constraints = [ ptf_returns * self._scale_constraints - ptf_transaction_cost * self._scale_constraints - ptf_management_fee * self._scale_constraints + alpha * self._scale_constraints + v * self._scale_constraints >= 0 ] return risk, constraints def _evar_risk( self, prior_model: PriorModel, w: cp.Variable, factor: skt.Factor, ) -> skt.RiskResult: """Expression and Constraints of the EVaR risk measure. Parameters ---------- prior_model : PriorModel The prior model of the assets distributions. w : cvxpy Variable The CVXPY Variable representing assets weights. factor : cvxpy Variable | cvxpy Constant Additional variable used for the optimization of some objective function like the ratio maximization. Returns ------- expression : tuple[cvxpy Expression , list[cvxpy Expression]] CVXPY Expression and Constraints the EVaR risk measure. """ n_observations = prior_model.returns.shape[0] ptf_returns = self._cvx_returns(prior_model=prior_model, w=w) ptf_transaction_cost = self._cvx_transaction_cost( prior_model=prior_model, w=w, factor=factor ) ptf_management_fee = self._cvx_management_fee(prior_model=prior_model, w=w) # We don't include the transaction_cost in the constraint otherwise the problem # is not DCP if not isinstance(ptf_transaction_cost, cp.Constant): warnings.warn( "The EVaR problem will be relaxed by removing the transaction costs" " from the Cone constraint to keep the problem DCP. The solution may" " not be accurate.", stacklevel=2, ) x = cp.Variable() y = cp.Variable(nonneg=True) z = cp.Variable(n_observations) risk = x + y * np.log(1 / (n_observations * (1 - self.evar_beta))) constraints = [ cp.sum(z) * self._scale_constraints <= y * self._scale_constraints, cp.constraints.ExpCone( -ptf_returns * self._scale_constraints + ptf_management_fee * self._scale_constraints - x * self._scale_constraints, np.ones(n_observations) * y * self._scale_constraints, z * self._scale_constraints, ), ] return risk, constraints def _max_drawdown_risk( self, prior_model: PriorModel, w: cp.Variable, factor: skt.Factor ) -> skt.RiskResult: """Expression and Constraints of the EVaR risk measure. Parameters ---------- prior_model : PriorModel The prior model of the assets distributions. w : cvxpy Variable The CVXPY Variable representing assets weights. factor : cvxpy Variable | cvxpy Constant Additional variable used for the optimization of some objective function like the ratio maximization. Returns ------- expression : tuple[cvxpy Expression , list[cvxpy Expression]] CVXPY Expression and Constraints the EVaR risk measure. """ v, constraints = self._cvx_drawdown(prior_model=prior_model, w=w, factor=factor) u = cp.Variable() risk = u constraints += [u * self._scale_constraints >= v[1:] * self._scale_constraints] return risk, constraints def _average_drawdown_risk( self, prior_model: PriorModel, w: cp.Variable, factor: skt.Factor ) -> skt.RiskResult: """Expression and Constraints of the Average Drawdown risk measure. Parameters ---------- prior_model : PriorModel The prior model of the assets distributions. w : cvxpy Variable The CVXPY Variable representing assets weights. factor : cvxpy Variable | cvxpy Constant Additional variable used for the optimization of some objective function like the ratio maximization. Returns ------- expression : tuple[cvxpy Expression , list[cvxpy Expression]] CVXPY Expression and Constraints the Average Drawdown risk measure. """ n_observations = prior_model.returns.shape[0] v, constraints = self._cvx_drawdown(prior_model=prior_model, w=w, factor=factor) risk = cp.sum(v[1:]) / n_observations return risk, constraints def _cdar_risk( self, prior_model: PriorModel, w: cp.Variable, factor: skt.Factor, ) -> skt.RiskResult: """Expression and Constraints of the CDaR risk measure. Parameters ---------- prior_model : PriorModel The prior model of the assets distributions. w : cvxpy Variable The CVXPY Variable representing assets weights. factor : cvxpy Variable | cvxpy Constant Additional variable used for the optimization of some objective function like the ratio maximization. Returns ------- expression : tuple[cvxpy Expression , list[cvxpy Expression]] CVXPY Expression and Constraints the CDaR risk measure. """ n_observations = prior_model.returns.shape[0] v, constraints = self._cvx_drawdown(prior_model=prior_model, w=w, factor=factor) alpha = cp.Variable() z = cp.Variable(n_observations, nonneg=True) risk = alpha + 1.0 / (n_observations * (1 - self.cdar_beta)) * cp.sum(z) constraints += [ z * self._scale_constraints >= v[1:] * self._scale_constraints - alpha * self._scale_constraints ] return risk, constraints def _edar_risk( self, prior_model: PriorModel, w: cp.Variable, factor: skt.Factor, ) -> skt.RiskResult: """Expression and Constraints of the EDaR risk measure. Parameters ---------- prior_model : PriorModel The prior model of the assets distributions. w : cvxpy Variable The CVXPY Variable representing assets weights. factor : cvxpy Variable | cvxpy Constant Additional variable used for the optimization of some objective function like the ratio maximization. Returns ------- expression : tuple[cvxpy Expression , list[cvxpy Expression]] CVXPY Expression and Constraints the EDaR risk measure. """ n_observations = prior_model.returns.shape[0] v, constraints = self._cvx_drawdown(prior_model=prior_model, w=w, factor=factor) x = cp.Variable() y = cp.Variable(nonneg=True) z = cp.Variable(n_observations) risk = x + y * np.log(1 / (n_observations * (1 - self.edar_beta))) constraints += [ cp.sum(z) * self._scale_constraints <= y * self._scale_constraints, cp.constraints.ExpCone( v[1:] * self._scale_constraints - x * self._scale_constraints, np.ones(n_observations) * y * self._scale_constraints, z * self._scale_constraints, ), ] return risk, constraints def _ulcer_index_risk( self, prior_model: PriorModel, w: cp.Variable, factor: skt.Factor, ) -> skt.RiskResult: """Expression and Constraints of the Ulcer Index risk measure. Parameters ---------- prior_model : PriorModel The prior model of the assets distributions. w : cvxpy Variable The CVXPY Variable representing assets weights. factor : cvxpy Variable | cvxpy Constant Additional variable used for the optimization of some objective function like the ratio maximization. Returns ------- expression : tuple[cvxpy Expression , list[cvxpy Expression]] CVXPY Expression and Constraints the Ulcer Index risk measure. """ v, constraints = self._cvx_drawdown(prior_model=prior_model, w=w, factor=factor) n_observations = prior_model.returns.shape[0] risk = cp.norm(v[1:], 2) / (np.sqrt(n_observations)) return risk, constraints def _gini_mean_difference_risk( self, prior_model: PriorModel, w: cp.Variable, factor: skt.Factor ) -> skt.RiskResult: """Expression and Constraints of the Gini Mean Difference risk measure. The Gini mean difference (GMD) is a measure of dispersion introduced in the context of portfolio optimization by Yitzhaki (1982). The initial formulation was not used by practitioners due to the high number of variables that increases proportional to T(T-1)/2 , Cajas (2021) proposed an alternative reformulation based on the ordered weighted averaging (OWA) operator for monotonic weights proposed by Chassein and Goerigk (2015). We implement this formulation which is more efficient for large scale problems. Parameters ---------- prior_model : PriorModel The prior model of the assets distributions. w : cvxpy Variable The CVXPY Variable representing assets weights. factor : cvxpy Variable | cvxpy Constant Additional variable used for the optimization of some objective function like the ratio maximization. Returns ------- expression : tuple[cvxpy Expression , list[cvxpy Expression]] CVXPY Expression and Constraints the Ulcer Index risk measure. """ ptf_returns = self._cvx_returns(prior_model=prior_model, w=w) ptf_transaction_cost = self._cvx_transaction_cost( prior_model=prior_model, w=w, factor=factor ) ptf_management_fee = self._cvx_management_fee(prior_model=prior_model, w=w) observation_nb = prior_model.returns.shape[0] x = cp.Variable((observation_nb, 1)) y = cp.Variable((observation_nb, 1)) z = cp.Variable((observation_nb, 1)) ones = np.ones((observation_nb, 1)) risk = 2 * cp.sum(x + y) gmd_w = np.array(owa_gmd_weights(observation_nb) / 2).reshape(-1, 1) # noinspection PyTypeChecker constraints = [ ptf_returns * self._scale_constraints - ptf_transaction_cost * self._scale_constraints - ptf_management_fee * self._scale_constraints == cp.reshape(z, (observation_nb,), order="F") * self._scale_constraints, z @ gmd_w.T <= ones @ x.T + y @ ones.T, ] return risk, constraints
[docs] def get_metadata_routing(self): # noinspection PyTypeChecker router = skm.MetadataRouter(owner=self.__class__.__name__).add( prior_estimator=self.prior_estimator, method_mapping=skm.MethodMapping().add(caller="fit", callee="fit"), ) return router
@abstractmethod def fit(self, X: npt.ArrayLike, y: npt.ArrayLike | None = None, **fit_params): pass
def _mip_weight_constraints_no_short_threshold( n_assets: int, w: cp.Variable, factor: skt.Factor, scale_constraints: cp.Constant, cardinality: int | None, group_cardinalities: dict[str, int] | None, max_weights: np.ndarray | None, groups: np.ndarray | None, min_weights: np.ndarray | None, threshold_long: np.ndarray | None, ) -> list[cp.Expression]: """ Create a list of MIP constraints for cardinality and threshold conditions when no short threshold is present. This only requires the creation of a single boolean variable array. """ constraints = [] is_short = np.any(min_weights < 0) is_invested_bool = cp.Variable(n_assets, boolean=True) if cardinality is not None and cardinality < n_assets: constraints.append(cp.sum(is_invested_bool) <= cardinality) if group_cardinalities is not None: a_card, b_card = group_cardinalities_to_matrix( groups=groups, group_cardinalities=group_cardinalities, raise_if_group_missing=False, ) constraints.append(a_card @ is_invested_bool - b_card <= 0) if isinstance(factor, cp.Variable): is_invested_factor = cp.Variable(n_assets, nonneg=True) # We want (w <= cp.multiply(is_invested_short_bool, max_weights) * factor # but this is not DCP. So we introduce another variable and set # constraint to ensure its value is equal to is_invested_short_bool * factor M = 1e3 # Big M method to activate or deactivate constraints # In the ratio homogenization procedure, the factor has been calibrated # to be around 0.1-10. By using M=1e3, we ensure that M is large enough while # not too large for improved MIP convergence. constraints += [ is_invested_factor <= factor, is_invested_factor <= M * is_invested_bool, is_invested_factor >= factor - M * (1 - is_invested_bool), ] is_invested = is_invested_factor else: is_invested = is_invested_bool if threshold_long is not None: constraints.append( w * scale_constraints >= cp.multiply(is_invested, threshold_long) * scale_constraints ) constraints.append( w * scale_constraints <= cp.multiply(is_invested, max_weights) * scale_constraints ) if is_short: constraints.append( w * scale_constraints >= cp.multiply(is_invested, min_weights) * scale_constraints ) return constraints def _mip_weight_constraints_threshold_short( n_assets: int, w: cp.Variable, factor: skt.Factor, scale_constraints: cp.Constant, max_weights: np.ndarray, min_weights: np.ndarray, threshold_long: np.ndarray, threshold_short: np.ndarray, cardinality: int | None, group_cardinalities: dict[str, int] | None, groups: np.ndarray | None, ) -> list[cp.Expression]: """ Create a list of MIP constraints for cardinality and threshold constraints when a short threshold is allowed. This requires the creation of two boolean variable arrays, one for long positions and one for short positions. """ constraints = [] is_invested_short_bool = cp.Variable(n_assets, boolean=True) is_invested_long_bool = cp.Variable(n_assets, boolean=True) is_invested_bool = is_invested_short_bool + is_invested_long_bool if cardinality is not None and cardinality < n_assets: constraints.append(cp.sum(is_invested_bool) <= cardinality) if group_cardinalities is not None: a_card, b_card = group_cardinalities_to_matrix( groups=groups, group_cardinalities=group_cardinalities, raise_if_group_missing=False, ) constraints.append(a_card @ is_invested_bool - b_card <= 0) M = 1e3 # Big M method to activate or deactivate constraints # In the ratio homogenization procedure, the factor has been calibrated # to be around 0.1-10. By using M=1e3, we ensure that M is large enough while # not too large for improved MIP convergence. if isinstance(factor, cp.Variable): is_invested_short_factor = cp.Variable(n_assets, nonneg=True) is_invested_long_factor = cp.Variable(n_assets, nonneg=True) # We want (w <= cp.multiply(is_invested_short_bool, max_weights) * factor # but this is not DCP. So we introduce another variable and set # constraint to ensure its value is equal to is_invested_short_bool * factor constraints += [ is_invested_short_factor <= factor, is_invested_long_factor <= factor, is_invested_short_factor <= M * is_invested_short_bool, is_invested_long_factor <= M * is_invested_long_bool, is_invested_short_factor >= factor - M * (1 - is_invested_short_bool), is_invested_long_factor >= factor - M * (1 - is_invested_long_bool), ] is_invested_short = is_invested_short_factor is_invested_long = is_invested_long_factor else: is_invested_short = is_invested_short_bool is_invested_long = is_invested_long_bool constraints += [ is_invested_bool <= 1.0, w * scale_constraints <= cp.multiply(is_invested_long, max_weights) * scale_constraints, w * scale_constraints >= cp.multiply(is_invested_short, min_weights) * scale_constraints, # Apply threshold_long if is_invested_long == 1, # unrestricted if is_invested_long == 0 w * scale_constraints >= cp.multiply(is_invested_long, threshold_long) * scale_constraints - M * (1 - is_invested_long_bool) * scale_constraints, # # Apply threshold_short if is_invested_short == 1, # # unrestricted if is_invested_short == 0 w * scale_constraints <= cp.multiply(is_invested_short, threshold_short) * scale_constraints + M * (1 - is_invested_short_bool) * scale_constraints, ] return constraints