"""Black & Litterman Prior Model estimator."""
# Copyright (c) 2023
# Author: Hugo Delatte <delatte.hugo@gmail.com>
# License: BSD 3 clause
# Implementation derived from:
# Riskfolio-Lib, Copyright (c) 2020-2023, Dany Cajas, Licensed under BSD 3 clause.
# PyPortfolioOpt, Copyright (c) 2018 Robert Andrew Martin, Licensed under MIT Licence.
import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt
import sklearn.utils.metadata_routing as skm
import sklearn.utils.validation as skv
from skfolio.moments import EquilibriumMu
from skfolio.prior._base import BasePrior, PriorModel
from skfolio.prior._empirical import EmpiricalPrior
from skfolio.utils.equations import equations_to_matrix
from skfolio.utils.tools import check_estimator, input_to_array
class BlackLitterman(BasePrior):
"""Black & Litterman Prior Model estimator.
The Black & Litterman model [1]_ takes a Bayesian approach by using a prior estimate
of the assets expected returns and covariance matrix, which are updated using the
analyst views to get a posterior estimate.
views : array-like of floats of shape (n_views,)
The analyst views about the assets expected returns.
The views must match the following patterns:
* Absolute view: "asset_i = a"
* Relative view: "asset_i - asset_j = b"
With "asset_i" and "asset_j" the assets names and "a" and "b" the analyst views
about the assets expected returns expressed in the same frequency as the
returns `X`.
* "SPX = 0.00015" --> the SPX will have a daily expected return of 0.015%
* "SX5E - TLT = 0.00039" --> the SX5E will outperform the TLT by a daily expected return of 0.039%
* "SX5E - SPX = -0.0002" --> the SX5E will underperform the SPX by a daily expected return of 0.02%
* "Equity = 0.00010" --> the sum of Equity assets will have a daily expected return of 0.01%
* "Europe - US = 0.0004" --> the sum of European assets will outperform the sum of US assets by a daily expected return of 0.04%
groups : dict[str, list[str]] or array-like of strings of shape (n_groups, n_assets), optional
The assets groups to be referenced in `views`.
If a dictionary is provided, its (key/value) pair must be the
(asset name/asset groups) and the input `X` of the `fit` method must be a
DataFrame with the assets names in columns.
* groups = {"SX5E": ["Equity", "Europe"], "SPX": ["Equity", "US"], "TLT": ["Bond", "US"]}
* groups = [["Equity", "Equity", "Bond"], ["Europe", "US", "US"]]
prior_estimator : BasePrior, optional
The assets' :ref:`prior model estimator <prior>`. It is used to estimate
the :class:`~skfolio.prior.PriorModel` containing the estimation of the assets
expected returns, covariance matrix, returns and Cholesky decomposition.
The default (`None`) is to use `EmpiricalPrior(mu_estimator=EquilibriumMu())`.
tau : float, default=0.05
Tau controls the degree of uncertainty given to the analyst views. A low value
means high uncertainty and will put less weight on the analyst views compared to
the prior returns. The default value is `0.05`.
Other common values used in the literature are `1.0` or the inverse of the
number of observations.
view_confidences : array-like of floats of shape (n_views,), optional
Instead of using a diagonal uncertainty matrix (Omega) proportional to the prior
covariance matrix, you can provide the vector of view confidences (between 0
and 1) as describe by the Idzorek's method [2]_.
risk_free_rate : float, default=0.0
The risk-free rate.
prior_model_ : PriorModel
The :class:`~skfolio.prior.PriorModel`.
groups_ : ndarray of shape(n_groups, n_assets)
Assets names and groups converted to an 2D array.
views_ : ndarray of shape (n_views,)
The analyst views converted to a ndarray of floats.
picking_matrix_ : ndarray of shape (n_views, n_assets)
Picking matrix computed from the views and assets names/groups.
prior_estimator_ : BasePrior
Fitted `prior_estimator`.
n_features_in_ : int
Number of assets seen during `fit`.
feature_names_in_ : ndarray of shape (`n_features_in_`,)
Names of features seen during `fit`. Defined only when `X`
has feature names that are all strings.
.. [1] "Combining investor views with market equilibrium",
The Journal of Fixed Income,
Fischer Black and Robert Litterman, 1991.
.. [2] "A step-by-step guide to the Black-Litterman model : Incorporating
user-specified confidence",
Forecasting Expected Returns in the Financial Markets,
Idzorek T, 2007.
groups_: np.ndarray
views_: np.ndarray
picking_matrix_: np.ndarray
prior_estimator_: BasePrior
def __init__(
views: npt.ArrayLike,
groups: dict[str, list[str]] | npt.ArrayLike | None = None,
prior_estimator: BasePrior | None = None,
tau: float = 0.05,
view_confidences: npt.ArrayLike | None = None,
risk_free_rate: float = 0,
self.views = views
self.groups = groups
self.prior_estimator = prior_estimator
self.tau = tau
self.view_confidences = view_confidences
self.risk_free_rate = risk_free_rate
def fit(self, X: npt.ArrayLike, y=None, **fit_params) -> "BlackLitterman":
"""Fit the Black & Litterman estimator.
X : array-like of shape (n_observations, n_assets)
Price returns of the assets.
y : Ignored
Not used, present for API consistency by convention.
**fit_params : dict
Parameters to pass to the underlying estimators.
Only available if `enable_metadata_routing=True`, which can be
set by using ``sklearn.set_config(enable_metadata_routing=True)``.
See :ref:`Metadata Routing User Guide <metadata_routing>` for
more details.
self : BlackLitterman
Fitted estimator.
routed_params = skm.process_routing(self, "fit", **fit_params)
self.prior_estimator_ = check_estimator(
# fitting prior estimator
self.prior_estimator_.fit(X, y, **routed_params.prior_estimator.fit)
prior_mu = self.prior_estimator_.prior_model_.mu
prior_covariance = self.prior_estimator_.prior_model_.covariance
prior_returns = self.prior_estimator_.prior_model_.returns
# we validate after all models have been fitted to keep features names
# information.
skv.validate_data(self, X)
n_assets = prior_returns.shape[1]
views = np.asarray(self.views)
if views.ndim != 1:
raise ValueError(f"`views` must be a 1D array, got a {views.ndim}D array.")
if self.groups is None:
if not hasattr(self, "feature_names_in_"):
raise ValueError(
"You must provide either `groups`"
" or `X` as a DataFrame with asset names in columns"
self.groups_ = np.asarray([self.feature_names_in_])
self.groups_ = input_to_array(
if hasattr(self, "feature_names_in_")
else None
self.picking_matrix_, self.views_, a_ineq, b_ineq = equations_to_matrix(
names=("groups", "views"),
if len(a_ineq) != 0:
raise ValueError("Inequalities (<=, >=) are not supported in views")
if self.view_confidences is None:
omega = np.diag(
* self.picking_matrix_
@ prior_covariance
@ self.picking_matrix_.T
# Idzorek's method using Jay Walters closed form solution
view_confidences = np.asarray(self.view_confidences)
if np.any(view_confidences < 0) or np.any(view_confidences > 1):
raise ValueError(
"all values of view_confidences must be between 0 and 1"
view_confidences[view_confidences == 0] = 1e-16
alphas = 1 / view_confidences - 1
omega = np.diag(
* alphas[:, np.newaxis]
* self.picking_matrix_
@ prior_covariance
@ self.picking_matrix_.T
# solving linear system instead of matrix inversion
_v = self.tau * prior_covariance @ self.picking_matrix_.T
_a = self.picking_matrix_ @ _v + omega
_b = self.views_ - self.picking_matrix_ @ prior_mu
posterior_mu = prior_mu + _v @ np.linalg.solve(_a, _b) + self.risk_free_rate
posterior_covariance = (
+ self.tau * prior_covariance
- _v @ np.linalg.solve(_a, _v.T)
self.prior_model_ = PriorModel(
mu=posterior_mu, covariance=posterior_covariance, returns=prior_returns
return self