Source code for skfolio.prior._empirical

"""Empirical Prior Model estimator."""

# Copyright (c) 2023
# Author: Hugo Delatte <>
# License: BSD 3 clause

import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt
import sklearn.utils.metadata_routing as skm
import sklearn.utils.validation as skv

from skfolio.moments import BaseCovariance, BaseMu, EmpiricalCovariance, EmpiricalMu
from skfolio.prior._base import BasePrior, PriorModel
from import check_estimator

[docs] class EmpiricalPrior(BasePrior): """Empirical Prior estimator. The Empirical Prior estimates the :class:`~skfolio.prior.PriorModel` by fitting a `mu_estimator` and a `covariance_estimator` separately. Parameters ---------- mu_estimator : BaseMu, optional The assets :ref:`expected returns estimator <mu_estimator>`. The default (`None`) is to use :class:`~skfolio.moments.EmpiricalMu`. covariance_estimator : BaseCovariance , optional The assets :ref:`covariance matrix estimator <covariance_estimator>`. The default (`None`) is to use :class:`~skfolio.moments.EmpiricalCovariance`. is_log_normal : bool, default=False If this is set to True, the moments are estimated on the logarithmic returns as opposed to the linear returns. Then the moments estimations of the logarithmic returns are projected to the investment horizon and transformed to obtain the moments estimation of the linear returns at the investment horizon. If True, `investment_horizon` must be provided. The input `X` must be **linear returns**. They will be converted into logarithmic returns only for the moments estimation. .. seealso:: :ref:`data preparation <data_preparation>` investment_horizon : float, optional The investment horizon used for the moments estimation of the linear returns when `is_log_normal` is `True`. Attributes ---------- prior_model_ : PriorModel The assets :class:`~skfolio.prior.PriorModel`. mu_estimator_ : BaseMu Fitted `mu_estimator`. covariance_estimator_ : BaseCovariance Fitted `covariance_estimator`. n_features_in_ : int Number of assets seen during `fit`. feature_names_in_ : ndarray of shape (`n_features_in_`,) Names of features seen during `fit`. Defined only when `X` has feature names that are all strings. References ---------- .. [1] "Linear vs. Compounded Returns - Common Pitfalls in Portfolio Management". GARP Risk Professional. Attilio Meucci (2010). """ mu_estimator_: BaseMu covariance_estimator_: BaseCovariance def __init__( self, mu_estimator: BaseMu | None = None, covariance_estimator: BaseCovariance | None = None, is_log_normal: bool = False, investment_horizon: float | None = None, ): self.mu_estimator = mu_estimator self.covariance_estimator = covariance_estimator self.is_log_normal = is_log_normal self.investment_horizon = investment_horizon
[docs] def get_metadata_routing(self): # noinspection PyTypeChecker router = ( skm.MetadataRouter(owner=self.__class__.__name__) .add( mu_estimator=self.mu_estimator, method_mapping=skm.MethodMapping().add(caller="fit", callee="fit"), ) .add( covariance_estimator=self.covariance_estimator, method_mapping=skm.MethodMapping().add(caller="fit", callee="fit"), ) ) return router
[docs] def fit(self, X: npt.ArrayLike, y=None, **fit_params) -> "EmpiricalPrior": """Fit the Empirical Prior estimator. Parameters ---------- X : array-like of shape (n_observations, n_assets) Price returns of the assets. y : Ignored Not used, present for API consistency by convention. **fit_params : dict Parameters to pass to the underlying estimators. Only available if `enable_metadata_routing=True`, which can be set by using ``sklearn.set_config(enable_metadata_routing=True)``. See :ref:`Metadata Routing User Guide <metadata_routing>` for more details. Returns ------- self : EmpiricalPrior Fitted estimator. """ routed_params = skm.process_routing(self, "fit", **fit_params) self.mu_estimator_ = check_estimator( self.mu_estimator, default=EmpiricalMu(), check_type=BaseMu, ) self.covariance_estimator_ = check_estimator( self.covariance_estimator, default=EmpiricalCovariance(), check_type=BaseCovariance, ) # fitting estimators if not self.is_log_normal: if self.investment_horizon is not None: raise ValueError( "`investment_horizon` must be `None` when " "`is_log_normal` is `False`" ) # Expected returns # noinspection PyArgumentList, y, ** mu = self.mu_estimator_.mu_ # Covariance # noinspection PyArgumentList X, y, ** ) covariance = self.covariance_estimator_.covariance_ else: if self.investment_horizon is None: raise ValueError( "`investment_horizon` must be provided when " "`is_log_normal` is `True`" ) # Convert linear returns to log returns X_log = np.log(1 + X) y_log = np.log(1 + y) if y is not None else None # Estimates the moments on the log returns # Expected returns # noinspection PyArgumentList, y_log, ** mu = self.mu_estimator_.mu_ # Covariance # noinspection PyArgumentList X_log, y_log, ** ) covariance = self.covariance_estimator_.covariance_ # Using the property of aggregation across time we scale this distribution # to the investment horizon by the “square-root rule”. mu *= self.investment_horizon covariance *= self.investment_horizon # We convert it into a distribution of linear returns over the investment # horizon mu = np.exp(mu + 0.5 * np.diag(covariance)) covariance = np.outer(mu, mu) * (np.exp(covariance) - 1) # we validate and convert to numpy after all models have been fitted to keep # features names information. X = skv.validate_data(self, X) self.prior_model_ = PriorModel( mu=mu, covariance=covariance, returns=X, ) return self