"""Portfolio module.
`Portfolio` is returned by the `predict` method of Optimization estimators.
It needs to be homogenous to the convex optimization problems meaning that `Portfolio`
is the dot product of the assets weights with the assets returns.
# Copyright (c) 2023
# Author: Hugo Delatte <delatte.hugo@gmail.com>
# License: BSD 3 clause
import numbers
from typing import ClassVar
import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt
import pandas as pd
import skfolio.typing as skt
from skfolio.measures import RiskMeasure, effective_number_assets
from skfolio.portfolio._base import _ZERO_THRESHOLD, BasePortfolio
from skfolio.utils.tools import (
class Portfolio(BasePortfolio):
Portfolio class.
`Portfolio` is returned by the `predict` method of Optimization estimators.
It is homogenous to the convex optimization problems meaning that `Portfolio` is
the dot product of the assets weights with the assets returns.
X : array-like of shape (n_observations, n_assets)
Price returns of the assets.
If `X` is a DataFrame or another array containers that implements 'columns'
and 'index', the columns will be considered as assets names and the
indices will be considered as observations.
Otherwise, we use `["x0", "x1", ..., "x(n_assets - 1)"]` as asset names
and `[0, 1, ..., n_observations]` as observations.
weights : array-like of shape (n_assets,) | dict[str, float]
Portfolio weights.
If a dictionary is provided, its (key/value) pair must be the
(asset name/asset weight) and `X` must be a DataFrame with assets names
in columns.
transaction_costs : float | dict[str, float] | array-like of shape (n_assets, ), optional
Linear transaction costs of the assets. The Portfolio total transaction cost
.. math:: total\_cost = \sum_{i=1}^{N} c_{i} \times |w_{i} - w\_prev_{i}|
with :math:`c_{i}` the transaction cost of asset i, :math:`w_{i}` its weight
and :math:`w\_prev_{i}` its previous weight (defined in `previous_weights`).
The float :math:`total\_cost` is used in the portfolio returns:
.. math:: ptf\_returns = R \cdot w - total\_cost
with :math:`R` the matrix af assets returns and :math:`w` the vector of
assets weights.
If a float is provided, it is applied to each asset.
If a dictionary is provided, its (key/value) pair must be the
(asset name/asset weight) and `X` must be a DataFrame with assets names
in columns.
The default (`None`) means no transaction costs.
.. warning::
To be homogenous to the optimization problems, the periodicity of the
transaction costs needs to be homogenous to the periodicity of the
returns `X`. For example, if `X` is composed of **daily** returns,
the `transaction_costs` need to be expressed in **daily** transaction costs.
management_fees : float | dict[str, float] | array-like of shape (n_assets, ), optional
Linear management fees of the assets. The Portfolio total management cost
.. math:: total\_fee = \sum_{i=1}^{N} f_{i} \times w_{i}
with :math:`f_{i}` the management fee of asset i and :math:`w_{i}` its weight.
The float :math:`total\_fee` is used in the portfolio returns:
.. math:: ptf\_returns = R \cdot w - total\_fee
with :math:`R` the matrix af assets returns and :math:`w` the vector of
assets weights.
If a float is provided, it is applied to each asset.
If a dictionary is provided, its (key/value) pair must be the
(asset name/asset weight) and `X` must be a DataFrame with assets names
in columns.
The default (`None`) means no management fees.
.. warning::
To be homogenous to the optimization problems, the periodicity of the
management fees needs to be homogenous to the periodicity of the
returns `X`. For example, if `X` is composed of **daily** returns,
the `management_fees` need to be expressed in **daily** fees.
previous_weights : float | dict[str, float] | array-like of shape (n_assets, ), optional
Previous portfolio weights.
Previous weights are used to compute the total portfolio cost.
If `transaction_costs` is 0, `previous_weights` will have no impact.
If a float is provided, it is applied to each asset.
If a dictionary is provided, its (key/value) pair must be the
(asset name/asset previous weight) and `X` must be a DataFrame with assets names
in columns.
The default (`None`) means no previous weights.
name : str, optional
Name of the portfolio.
The default (`None`) is to use the object id.
tag : str, optional
Tag given to the portfolio.
Tags are used to manipulate groups of Portfolios from a `Population`.
fitness_measures : list[measures], optional
List of fitness measures.
Fitness measures are used to compute the portfolio fitness which is used to
compute domination.
The default (`None`) is to use the list [PerfMeasure.MEAN, RiskMeasure.VARIANCE]
annualized_factor : float, default=252.0
Factor used to annualize the below measures using the square-root rule:
* Annualized Mean = Mean * factor
* Annualized Variance = Variance * factor
* Annualized Semi-Variance = Semi-Variance * factor
* Annualized Standard-Deviation = Standard-Deviation * sqrt(factor)
* Annualized Semi-Deviation = Semi-Deviation * sqrt(factor)
* Annualized Sharpe Ratio = Sharpe Ratio * sqrt(factor)
* Annualized Sortino Ratio = Sortino Ratio * sqrt(factor)
risk_free_rate : float, default=0.0
Risk-free rate. The default value is `0.0`.
compounded : bool, default=False
If this is set to True, cumulative returns are compounded.
The default is `False`.
min_acceptable_return : float, optional
The minimum acceptable return used to distinguish "downside" and "upside"
returns for the computation of lower partial moments:
* First Lower Partial Moment
* Semi-Variance
* Semi-Deviation
The default (`None`) is to use the mean.
value_at_risk_beta : float, default=0.95
The confidence level of the Portfolio VaR (Value At Risk) which represents
the return on the worst (1-beta)% observations.
The default value is `0.95`.
entropic_risk_measure_theta : float, default=1.0
The risk aversion level of the Portfolio Entropic Risk Measure.
The default value is `1.0`.
entropic_risk_measure_beta : float, default=0.95
The confidence level of the Portfolio Entropic Risk Measure.
The default value is `0.95`.
cvar_beta : float, default=0.95
The confidence level of the Portfolio CVaR (Conditional Value at Risk) which
represents the expected VaR on the worst (1-beta)% observations.
The default value is `0.95`.
evar_beta : float, default=0.95
The confidence level of the Portfolio EVaR (Entropic Value at Risk).
The default value is `0.95`.
drawdown_at_risk_beta : float, default=0.95
The confidence level of the Portfolio Drawdown at Risk (DaR) which represents
the drawdown on the worst (1-beta)% observations.
The default value is `0.95`.
cdar_beta : float, default=0.95
The confidence level of the Portfolio CDaR (Conditional Drawdown at Risk) which
represents the expected drawdown on the worst (1-beta)% observations.
The default value is `0.95`.
edar_beta : float, default=0.95
The confidence level of the Portfolio EDaR (Entropic Drawdown at Risk).
The default value is `0.95`.
n_observations : float
Number of observations.
mean : float
Mean of the portfolio returns.
annualized_mean : float
Mean annualized by :math:`mean \times annualization\_factor`
mean_absolute_deviation : float
Mean Absolute Deviation. The deviation is the difference between the
return and a minimum acceptable return (`min_acceptable_return`).
first_lower_partial_moment : float
First Lower Partial Moment. The First Lower Partial Moment is the mean of the
returns below a minimum acceptable return (`min_acceptable_return`).
variance : float
Variance (Second Moment)
annualized_variance : float
Variance annualized by :math:`variance \times annualization\_factor`
semi_variance : float
Semi-variance (Second Lower Partial Moment).
The semi-variance is the variance of the returns below a minimum acceptable
return (`min_acceptable_return`).
annualized_semi_variance : float
Semi-variance annualized by
:math:`semi\_variance \times annualization\_factor`
standard_deviation : float
Standard Deviation (Square Root of the Second Moment).
annualized_standard_deviation : float
Standard Deviation annualized by
:math:`standard\_deviation \times \sqrt{annualization\_factor}`
semi_deviation : float
Semi-deviation (Square Root of the Second Lower Partial Moment).
The Semi Standard Deviation is the Standard Deviation of the returns below a
minimum acceptable return (`min_acceptable_return`).
annualized_semi_deviation : float
Semi-deviation annualized by
:math:`semi\_deviation \times \sqrt{annualization\_factor}`
skew : float
Skew. The Skew is a measure of the lopsidedness of the distribution.
A symmetric distribution have a Skew of zero.
Higher Skew corresponds to longer right tail.
kurtosis : float
Kurtosis. It is a measure of the heaviness of the tail of the distribution.
Higher Kurtosis corresponds to greater extremity of deviations (fat tails).
fourth_central_moment : float
Fourth Central Moment.
fourth_lower_partial_moment : float
Fourth Lower Partial Moment. It is a measure of the heaviness of the downside
tail of the returns below a minimum acceptable return (`min_acceptable_return`).
Higher Fourth Lower Partial Moment corresponds to greater extremity of downside
deviations (downside fat tail).
worst_realization : float
Worst Realization which is the worst return.
value_at_risk : float
Historical VaR (Value at Risk).
The VaR is the maximum loss at a given confidence level (`value_at_risk_beta`).
cvar : float
Historical CVaR (Conditional Value at Risk). The CVaR (or Tail VaR) represents
the mean shortfall at a specified confidence level (`cvar_beta`).
entropic_risk_measure : float
Historical Entropic Risk Measure. It is a risk measure which depends on the
risk aversion defined by the investor (`entropic_risk_measure_theta`) through
the exponential utility function at a given confidence level
evar : float
Historical EVaR (Entropic Value at Risk). It is a coherent risk measure which
is an upper bound for the VaR and the CVaR, obtained from the Chernoff
inequality at a given confidence level (`evar_beta`). The EVaR can be
represented by using the concept of relative entropy.
drawdown_at_risk : float
Historical Drawdown at Risk. It is the maximum drawdown at a given
confidence level (`drawdown_at_risk_beta`).
cdar : float
Historical CDaR (Conditional Drawdown at Risk) at a given confidence level
max_drawdown : float
Maximum Drawdown.
average_drawdown : float
Average Drawdown.
edar : float
EDaR (Entropic Drawdown at Risk). It is a coherent risk measure which is an
upper bound for the Drawdown at Risk and the CDaR, obtained from the Chernoff
inequality at a given confidence level (`edar_beta`). The EDaR can be
represented by using the concept of relative entropy.
ulcer_index : float
Ulcer Index
gini_mean_difference : float
Gini Mean Difference (GMD). It is the expected absolute difference between two
realizations. The GMD is a superior measure of variability for non-normal
distribution than the variance. It can be used to form necessary conditions
for second-degree stochastic dominance, while the variance cannot.
mean_absolute_deviation_ratio : float
Mean Absolute Deviation ratio.
It is the excess mean (mean - risk_free_rate) divided by the MaD.
first_lower_partial_moment_ratio : float
First Lower Partial Moment ratio.
It is the excess mean (mean - risk_free_rate) divided by the First Lower
Partial Moment.
sharpe_ratio : float
Sharpe ratio.
It is the excess mean (mean - risk_free_rate) divided by the standard-deviation.
annualized_sharpe_ratio : float
Sharpe ratio annualized by
:math:`sharpe\_ratio \times \sqrt{annualization\_factor}`.
sortino_ratio : float
Sortino ratio.
It is the excess mean (mean - risk_free_rate) divided by the semi
annualized_sortino_ratio : float
Sortino ratio annualized by
:math:`sortino\_ratio \times \sqrt{annualization\_factor}`.
value_at_risk_ratio : float
VaR ratio.
It is the excess mean (mean - risk_free_rate) divided by the Value at Risk
cvar_ratio : float
CVaR ratio.
It is the excess mean (mean - risk_free_rate) divided by the Conditional Value
at Risk (CVaR).
entropic_risk_measure_ratio : float
Entropic risk measure ratio.
It is the excess mean (mean - risk_free_rate) divided by the Entropic risk
evar_ratio : float
EVaR ratio.
It is the excess mean (mean - risk_free_rate) divided by the EVaR (Entropic
Value at Risk).
worst_realization_ratio : float
Worst Realization ratio.
It is the excess mean (mean - risk_free_rate) divided by the Worst Realization
(worst return).
drawdown_at_risk_ratio : float
Drawdown at Risk ratio.
It is the excess mean (mean - risk_free_rate) divided by the drawdown at
cdar_ratio : float
CDaR ratio.
It is the excess mean (mean - risk_free_rate) divided by the CDaR (conditional
drawdown at risk).
calmar_ratio : float
Calmar ratio.
It is the excess mean (mean - risk_free_rate) divided by the Maximum Drawdown.
average_drawdown_ratio : float
Average Drawdown ratio.
It is the excess mean (mean - risk_free_rate) divided by the Average Drawdown.
edar_ratio : float
EDaR ratio.
It is the excess mean (mean - risk_free_rate) divided by the EDaR (Entropic
Drawdown at Risk).
ulcer_index_ratio : float
Ulcer Index ratio.
It is the excess mean (mean - risk_free_rate) divided by the Ulcer Index.
gini_mean_difference_ratio : float
Gini Mean Difference ratio.
It is the excess mean (mean - risk_free_rate) divided by the Gini Mean
_read_only_attrs: ClassVar[set] = BasePortfolio._read_only_attrs.copy()
# ruff: noqa: RUF023
__slots__ = {
# read-only
# custom getter (read-only and cached)
def __init__(
X: npt.ArrayLike,
weights: skt.MultiInput,
previous_weights: skt.MultiInput = None,
transaction_costs: skt.MultiInput = None,
management_fees: skt.MultiInput = None,
risk_free_rate: float = 0,
name: str | None = None,
tag: str | None = None,
annualized_factor: float = 252,
fitness_measures: list[skt.Measure] | None = None,
compounded: bool = False,
min_acceptable_return: float | None = None,
value_at_risk_beta: float = 0.95,
entropic_risk_measure_theta: float = 1,
entropic_risk_measure_beta: float = 0.95,
cvar_beta: float = 0.95,
evar_beta: float = 0.95,
drawdown_at_risk_beta: float = 0.95,
cdar_beta: float = 0.95,
edar_beta: float = 0.95,
# extract assets names from X
assets = None
observations = None
if hasattr(X, "columns"):
assets = np.asarray(X.columns, dtype=object)
observations = np.asarray(X.index)
# We don't perform extensive checks (like in check_X) for faster instantiation.
rets = np.asarray(X)
if rets.ndim != 2:
raise ValueError("`X` must be a 2D array-like")
n_observations, n_assets = rets.shape
weights = input_to_array(
if previous_weights is None:
previous_weights = np.zeros(n_assets)
previous_weights = input_to_array(
if transaction_costs is None:
transaction_costs = 0
elif not np.isscalar(transaction_costs):
transaction_costs = input_to_array(
if management_fees is None:
management_fees = 0
elif not np.isscalar(management_fees):
management_fees = input_to_array(
# Default observations and assets if X is not a DataFrame
if observations is None or len(observations) == 0:
observations = np.arange(n_observations)
if assets is None or len(assets) == 0:
assets = default_asset_names(n_assets=n_assets)
# Computing portfolio returns
if np.isscalar(transaction_costs) and transaction_costs == 0:
total_cost = 0
total_cost = (transaction_costs * abs(previous_weights - weights)).sum()
if np.isscalar(management_fees) and management_fees == 0:
total_fee = 0
total_fee = (management_fees * weights).sum()
returns = weights @ rets.T - total_cost - total_fee
if np.any(np.isnan(returns)):
raise ValueError("NaN found in `returns`")
self._loaded = False
# We save the original array-like object and not the numpy copy for improved
# memory
self.X = X
self.assets = assets
self.n_assets = n_assets
self.weights = weights
self.transaction_costs = transaction_costs
self.management_fees = management_fees
self.previous_weights = previous_weights
self.total_cost = total_cost
self.total_fee = total_fee
self._loaded = True
def __neg__(self):
args = {arg: getattr(self, arg) for arg in args_names(self.__init__)}
args["weights"] = -self.weights
return self.__class__(**args)
def __abs__(self):
args = {arg: getattr(self, arg) for arg in args_names(self.__init__)}
args["weights"] = np.abs(self.weights)
return self.__class__(**args)
def __round__(self, n: int):
args = {arg: getattr(self, arg) for arg in args_names(self.__init__)}
args["weights"] = np.round(self.weights, n)
return self.__class__(**args)
def __add__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, Portfolio):
raise TypeError(
f"Cannot add a Portfolio with an object of type {type(other)}"
args = args_names(self.__init__)
for arg in args:
if arg not in ["weights", "name", "tag"] and not np.array_equal(
getattr(self, arg), getattr(other, arg)
raise ValueError(f"Cannot add two Portfolios with different `{arg}`")
args = {arg: getattr(self, arg) for arg in args}
args["weights"] = self.weights + other.weights
return self.__class__(**args)
def __sub__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, Portfolio):
raise TypeError(
f"Cannot add a Portfolio with an object of type {type(other)}"
args = args_names(self.__init__)
for arg in args:
if arg not in ["weights", "name", "tag"] and not np.array_equal(
getattr(self, arg), getattr(other, arg)
raise ValueError(
f"Cannot subtract two Portfolios with different `{arg}`"
args = {arg: getattr(self, arg) for arg in args}
args["weights"] = self.weights - other.weights
return self.__class__(**args)
def __mul__(self, other: numbers.Number):
if not isinstance(other, numbers.Number):
raise TypeError(
"Portfolio can only be multiplied by a number, but received a"
f" {type(other)}"
args = {arg: getattr(self, arg) for arg in args_names(self.__init__)}
args["weights"] = other * self.weights
return self.__class__(**args)
__rmul__ = __mul__
def __floordiv__(self, other: numbers.Number):
if not isinstance(other, numbers.Number):
raise TypeError(
"Portfolio can only be floor divided by a number, but received a"
f" {type(other)}"
args = {arg: getattr(self, arg) for arg in args_names(self.__init__)}
args["weights"] = np.floor_divide(self.weights, other)
return self.__class__(**args)
def __truediv__(self, other: numbers.Number):
if not isinstance(other, numbers.Number):
raise TypeError(
"Portfolio can only be divided by a number, but received a"
f" {type(other)}"
args = {arg: getattr(self, arg) for arg in args_names(self.__init__)}
args["weights"] = self.weights / other
return self.__class__(**args)
# Custom attribute getter (read-only and cached)
def nonzero_assets(self) -> np.ndarray:
"""Invested asset :math:`abs(weights) > 0.001%`"""
return self.assets[self.nonzero_assets_index]
def nonzero_assets_index(self) -> np.ndarray:
"""Indices of invested asset :math:`abs(weights) > 0.001%`"""
return np.flatnonzero(abs(self.weights) > _ZERO_THRESHOLD)
def composition(self) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""DataFrame of the Portfolio composition."""
weights = self.weights[self.nonzero_assets_index]
df = pd.DataFrame({"asset": self.nonzero_assets, "weight": weights})
df.sort_values(by="weight", ascending=False, inplace=True)
df.rename(columns={"weight": self.name}, inplace=True)
df.set_index("asset", inplace=True)
return df
def weights_per_observation(self) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""DataFrame of the Portfolio weights per observation."""
idx = self.nonzero_assets_index
weights = self.weights[idx]
assets = self.assets[idx]
df = pd.DataFrame(
np.ones((len(self.observations), len(assets))) * weights,
return df
def diversification(self) -> float:
"""Weighted average of volatility divided by the portfolio volatility."""
return (
self.weights @ np.std(np.asarray(self.X), axis=0) / self.standard_deviation
def sric(self) -> float:
"""Sharpe Ratio Information Criterion (SRIC).
It is an unbiased estimator of the Sharpe Ratio adjusting for both sources of
bias which are noise fit and estimation error [1]_.
.. [1] "Noise Fit, Estimation Error and a Sharpe Information Criterion",
Dirk Paulsen (2019)
return self.sharpe_ratio - self.n_assets / (
self.n_observations * self.sharpe_ratio
def effective_number_assets(self) -> float:
r"""Computes the effective number of assets, defined as the inverse of the
Herfindahl index [1]_:
.. math:: N_{eff} = \frac{1}{\Vert w \Vert_{2}^{2}}
It quantifies portfolio concentration, with a higher value indicating a more
diversified portfolio.
value : float
Effective number of assets.
.. [1] "Banking and Financial Institutions Law in a Nutshell".
Lovett, William Anthony (1988)
return effective_number_assets(weights=self.weights)
# Public methods
def expected_returns_from_assets(
self, assets_expected_returns: np.ndarray
) -> float:
"""Compute the Portfolio expected returns from the assets expected returns,
weights, management costs and transaction fees.
assets_expected_returns : ndarray of shape (n_assets,)
The vector of assets expected returns.
value : float
The Portfolio expected returns.
return (
self.weights @ assets_expected_returns.T - self.total_cost - self.total_fee
def variance_from_assets(self, assets_covariance: np.ndarray) -> float:
"""Compute the Portfolio variance expectation from the assets covariance and
assets_covariance : ndarray of shape (n_assets,n_assets)
The matrix of assets covariance expectation.
value : float
The Portfolio variance from the assets covariance.
return float(self.weights @ assets_covariance @ self.weights.T)
def contribution(
self, measure: skt.Measure, spacing: float | None = None, to_df: bool = False
) -> np.ndarray | pd.DataFrame:
r"""Compute the contribution of each asset to a given measure.
measure : Measure
The measure used for the contribution computation.
spacing : float, optional
Spacing "h" of the finite difference:
:math:`contribution(wi)= \frac{measure(wi-h) - measure(wi+h)}{2h}`
to_df : bool, default=False
If set to True, a DataFrame with asset names in index is returned,
otherwise a numpy array is returned. When a DataFrame is returned, the
values are sorted in descending order and assets with zero weights are
values : numpy array of shape (n_assets,) or DataFrame
The measure contribution of each asset.
if spacing is None:
if measure in [
spacing = 1e-1
spacing = 1e-5
args = {
arg: getattr(self, arg)
for arg in args_names(self.__init__)
if arg != "weights"
contribution, assets = _compute_contribution(
if not to_df:
return np.array(contribution)
df = pd.DataFrame(contribution, index=assets, columns=[self.name])
df.sort_values(by=self.name, ascending=False, inplace=True)
return df
def summary(self, formatted: bool = True) -> pd.Series:
"""Portfolio summary of all its measures.
formatted : bool, default=True
If this is set to True, the measures are formatted into rounded string
with units.
summary : series
Portfolio summary.
df = super().summary(formatted=formatted)
assets_number = self.n_assets
effective_nb_assets = self.effective_number_assets
if formatted:
assets_number = str(assets_number)
effective_nb_assets = str(effective_nb_assets)
df["Effective Number of Assets"] = effective_nb_assets
df["Assets Number"] = assets_number
return df
def get_weight(self, asset: str) -> float:
"""Get the weight of a given asset.
asset : str
Name of the asset.
weight : float
Weight of the asset.
return self.weights[np.where(self.assets == asset)[0][0]]
except IndexError:
raise IndexError("{asset} is not a valid asset name.") from None
def _get_risk(
args: dict, weights: np.ndarray, measure: skt.Measure, i: int, h: float
) -> float:
"""Get the Portfolio risk measure when the weight of asset `i` is increased by `h`."""
assert "weights" not in args
weights = weights.copy()
weights[i] += h
return getattr(Portfolio(weights=weights, **args), measure.value)
def _compute_contribution(
args: dict,
weights: np.ndarray,
assets: np.ndarray,
measure: skt.Measure,
h: float,
drop_zero_weights: bool,
) -> tuple[list[float], list[str]]:
"""Compute the contribution of each asset to a given measure using finite
contributions = []
_assets = []
for i, (weight, asset) in enumerate(zip(weights, assets, strict=True)):
if weight == 0:
if not drop_zero_weights:
_get_risk(args, weights, measure, i, h)
- _get_risk(args, weights, measure, i, -h)
/ (2 * h)
* weight
return contributions, _assets