- class skfolio.portfolio.Portfolio(X, weights, previous_weights=None, transaction_costs=None, management_fees=None, risk_free_rate=0, name=None, tag=None, annualized_factor=252, fitness_measures=None, compounded=False, min_acceptable_return=None, value_at_risk_beta=0.95, entropic_risk_measure_theta=1, entropic_risk_measure_beta=0.95, cvar_beta=0.95, evar_beta=0.95, drawdown_at_risk_beta=0.95, cdar_beta=0.95, edar_beta=0.95)[source]#
Portfolio class.
is returned by thepredict
method of Optimization estimators. It is homogenous to the convex optimization problems meaning thatPortfolio
is the dot product of the assets weights with the assets returns.- Parameters:
- Xarray-like of shape (n_observations, n_assets)
Price returns of the assets. If
is a DataFrame or another array containers that implements ‘columns’ and ‘index’, the columns will be considered as assets names and the indices will be considered as observations. Otherwise, we use["x0", "x1", ..., "x(n_assets - 1)"]
as asset names and[0, 1, ..., n_observations]
as observations.- weightsarray-like of shape (n_assets,) | dict[str, float]
Portfolio weights. If a dictionary is provided, its (key/value) pair must be the (asset name/asset weight) and
must be a DataFrame with assets names in columns.- transaction_costsfloat | dict[str, float] | array-like of shape (n_assets, ), optional
Linear transaction costs of the assets. The Portfolio total transaction cost is:
\[total\_cost = \sum_{i=1}^{N} c_{i} \times |w_{i} - w\_prev_{i}|\]with \(c_{i}\) the transaction cost of asset i, \(w_{i}\) its weight and \(w\_prev_{i}\) its previous weight (defined in
). The float \(total\_cost\) is used in the portfolio returns:\[ptf\_returns = R \cdot w - total\_cost\]with \(R\) the matrix af assets returns and \(w\) the vector of assets weights.
If a float is provided, it is applied to each asset. If a dictionary is provided, its (key/value) pair must be the (asset name/asset weight) and
must be a DataFrame with assets names in columns. The default (None
) means no transaction costs.Warning
To be homogenous to the optimization problems, the periodicity of the transaction costs needs to be homogenous to the periodicity of the returns
. For example, ifX
is composed of daily returns, thetransaction_costs
need to be expressed in daily transaction costs.- management_feesfloat | dict[str, float] | array-like of shape (n_assets, ), optional
Linear management fees of the assets. The Portfolio total management cost is:
\[total\_fee = \sum_{i=1}^{N} f_{i} \times w_{i}\]with \(f_{i}\) the management fee of asset i and \(w_{i}\) its weight. The float \(total\_fee\) is used in the portfolio returns:
\[ptf\_returns = R \cdot w - total\_fee\]with \(R\) the matrix af assets returns and \(w\) the vector of assets weights.
If a float is provided, it is applied to each asset. If a dictionary is provided, its (key/value) pair must be the (asset name/asset weight) and
must be a DataFrame with assets names in columns. The default (None
) means no management fees.Warning
To be homogenous to the optimization problems, the periodicity of the management fees needs to be homogenous to the periodicity of the returns
. For example, ifX
is composed of daily returns, themanagement_fees
need to be expressed in daily fees.- previous_weightsfloat | dict[str, float] | array-like of shape (n_assets, ), optional
Previous portfolio weights. Previous weights are used to compute the total portfolio cost. If
is 0,previous_weights
will have no impact. If a float is provided, it is applied to each asset. If a dictionary is provided, its (key/value) pair must be the (asset name/asset previous weight) andX
must be a DataFrame with assets names in columns. The default (None
) means no previous weights.- namestr, optional
Name of the portfolio. The default (
) is to use the object id.- tagstr, optional
Tag given to the portfolio. Tags are used to manipulate groups of Portfolios from a
.- fitness_measureslist[measures], optional
List of fitness measures. Fitness measures are used to compute the portfolio fitness which is used to compute domination. The default (
) is to use the list [PerfMeasure.MEAN, RiskMeasure.VARIANCE]- annualized_factorfloat, default=252.0
Factor used to annualize the below measures using the square-root rule:
Annualized Mean = Mean * factor
Annualized Variance = Variance * factor
Annualized Semi-Variance = Semi-Variance * factor
Annualized Standard-Deviation = Standard-Deviation * sqrt(factor)
Annualized Semi-Deviation = Semi-Deviation * sqrt(factor)
Annualized Sharpe Ratio = Sharpe Ratio * sqrt(factor)
Annualized Sortino Ratio = Sortino Ratio * sqrt(factor)
- risk_free_ratefloat, default=0.0
Risk-free rate. The default value is
.- compoundedbool, default=False
If this is set to True, cumulative returns are compounded. The default is
.- min_acceptable_returnfloat, optional
The minimum acceptable return used to distinguish “downside” and “upside” returns for the computation of lower partial moments:
First Lower Partial Moment
The default (
) is to use the mean.- value_at_risk_betafloat, default=0.95
The confidence level of the Portfolio VaR (Value At Risk) which represents the return on the worst (1-beta)% observations. The default value is
.- entropic_risk_measure_thetafloat, default=1.0
The risk aversion level of the Portfolio Entropic Risk Measure. The default value is
.- entropic_risk_measure_betafloat, default=0.95
The confidence level of the Portfolio Entropic Risk Measure. The default value is
.- cvar_betafloat, default=0.95
The confidence level of the Portfolio CVaR (Conditional Value at Risk) which represents the expected VaR on the worst (1-beta)% observations. The default value is
.- evar_betafloat, default=0.95
The confidence level of the Portfolio EVaR (Entropic Value at Risk). The default value is
.- drawdown_at_risk_betafloat, default=0.95
The confidence level of the Portfolio Drawdown at Risk (DaR) which represents the drawdown on the worst (1-beta)% observations. The default value is
.- cdar_betafloat, default=0.95
The confidence level of the Portfolio CDaR (Conditional Drawdown at Risk) which represents the expected drawdown on the worst (1-beta)% observations. The default value is
.- edar_betafloat, default=0.95
The confidence level of the Portfolio EDaR (Entropic Drawdown at Risk). The default value is
- Attributes:
floatNumber of observations.
- meanfloat
Mean of the portfolio returns.
- annualized_meanfloat
Mean annualized by \(mean \times annualization\_factor\)
- mean_absolute_deviationfloat
Mean Absolute Deviation. The deviation is the difference between the return and a minimum acceptable return (
).- first_lower_partial_momentfloat
First Lower Partial Moment. The First Lower Partial Moment is the mean of the returns below a minimum acceptable return (
).- variancefloat
Variance (Second Moment)
- annualized_variancefloat
Variance annualized by \(variance \times annualization\_factor\)
- semi_variancefloat
Semi-variance (Second Lower Partial Moment). The semi-variance is the variance of the returns below a minimum acceptable return (
).- annualized_semi_variancefloat
Semi-variance annualized by \(semi\_variance \times annualization\_factor\)
- standard_deviationfloat
Standard Deviation (Square Root of the Second Moment).
- annualized_standard_deviationfloat
Standard Deviation annualized by \(standard\_deviation \times \sqrt{annualization\_factor}\)
- semi_deviationfloat
Semi-deviation (Square Root of the Second Lower Partial Moment). The Semi Standard Deviation is the Standard Deviation of the returns below a minimum acceptable return (
).- annualized_semi_deviationfloat
Semi-deviation annualized by \(semi\_deviation \times \sqrt{annualization\_factor}\)
- skewfloat
Skew. The Skew is a measure of the lopsidedness of the distribution. A symmetric distribution have a Skew of zero. Higher Skew corresponds to longer right tail.
- kurtosisfloat
Kurtosis. It is a measure of the heaviness of the tail of the distribution. Higher Kurtosis corresponds to greater extremity of deviations (fat tails).
- fourth_central_momentfloat
Fourth Central Moment.
- fourth_lower_partial_momentfloat
Fourth Lower Partial Moment. It is a measure of the heaviness of the downside tail of the returns below a minimum acceptable return (
). Higher Fourth Lower Partial Moment corresponds to greater extremity of downside deviations (downside fat tail).- worst_realizationfloat
Worst Realization which is the worst return.
- value_at_riskfloat
Historical VaR (Value at Risk). The VaR is the maximum loss at a given confidence level (
).- cvarfloat
Historical CVaR (Conditional Value at Risk). The CVaR (or Tail VaR) represents the mean shortfall at a specified confidence level (
).- entropic_risk_measurefloat
Historical Entropic Risk Measure. It is a risk measure which depends on the risk aversion defined by the investor (
) through the exponential utility function at a given confidence level (entropic_risk_measure_beta
).- evarfloat
Historical EVaR (Entropic Value at Risk). It is a coherent risk measure which is an upper bound for the VaR and the CVaR, obtained from the Chernoff inequality at a given confidence level (
). The EVaR can be represented by using the concept of relative entropy.- drawdown_at_riskfloat
Historical Drawdown at Risk. It is the maximum drawdown at a given confidence level (
).- cdarfloat
Historical CDaR (Conditional Drawdown at Risk) at a given confidence level (
).- max_drawdownfloat
Maximum Drawdown.
- average_drawdownfloat
Average Drawdown.
- edarfloat
EDaR (Entropic Drawdown at Risk). It is a coherent risk measure which is an upper bound for the Drawdown at Risk and the CDaR, obtained from the Chernoff inequality at a given confidence level (
). The EDaR can be represented by using the concept of relative entropy.- ulcer_indexfloat
Ulcer Index
- gini_mean_differencefloat
Gini Mean Difference (GMD). It is the expected absolute difference between two realizations. The GMD is a superior measure of variability for non-normal distribution than the variance. It can be used to form necessary conditions for second-degree stochastic dominance, while the variance cannot.
- mean_absolute_deviation_ratiofloat
Mean Absolute Deviation ratio. It is the excess mean (mean - risk_free_rate) divided by the MaD.
- first_lower_partial_moment_ratiofloat
First Lower Partial Moment ratio. It is the excess mean (mean - risk_free_rate) divided by the First Lower Partial Moment.
- sharpe_ratiofloat
Sharpe ratio. It is the excess mean (mean - risk_free_rate) divided by the standard-deviation.
- annualized_sharpe_ratiofloat
Sharpe ratio annualized by \(sharpe\_ratio \times \sqrt{annualization\_factor}\).
- sortino_ratiofloat
Sortino ratio. It is the excess mean (mean - risk_free_rate) divided by the semi standard-deviation.
- annualized_sortino_ratiofloat
Sortino ratio annualized by \(sortino\_ratio \times \sqrt{annualization\_factor}\).
- value_at_risk_ratiofloat
VaR ratio. It is the excess mean (mean - risk_free_rate) divided by the Value at Risk (VaR).
- cvar_ratiofloat
CVaR ratio. It is the excess mean (mean - risk_free_rate) divided by the Conditional Value at Risk (CVaR).
- entropic_risk_measure_ratiofloat
Entropic risk measure ratio. It is the excess mean (mean - risk_free_rate) divided by the Entropic risk measure.
- evar_ratiofloat
EVaR ratio. It is the excess mean (mean - risk_free_rate) divided by the EVaR (Entropic Value at Risk).
- worst_realization_ratiofloat
Worst Realization ratio. It is the excess mean (mean - risk_free_rate) divided by the Worst Realization (worst return).
- drawdown_at_risk_ratiofloat
Drawdown at Risk ratio. It is the excess mean (mean - risk_free_rate) divided by the drawdown at risk.
- cdar_ratiofloat
CDaR ratio. It is the excess mean (mean - risk_free_rate) divided by the CDaR (conditional drawdown at risk).
- calmar_ratiofloat
Calmar ratio. It is the excess mean (mean - risk_free_rate) divided by the Maximum Drawdown.
- average_drawdown_ratiofloat
Average Drawdown ratio. It is the excess mean (mean - risk_free_rate) divided by the Average Drawdown.
- edar_ratiofloat
EDaR ratio. It is the excess mean (mean - risk_free_rate) divided by the EDaR (Entropic Drawdown at Risk).
- ulcer_index_ratiofloat
Ulcer Index ratio. It is the excess mean (mean - risk_free_rate) divided by the Ulcer Index.
- gini_mean_difference_ratiofloat
Gini Mean Difference ratio. It is the excess mean (mean - risk_free_rate) divided by the Gini Mean Difference.
()Clear all measures, fitness, cumulative returns and drawdowns in slots.
(measure[, spacing, to_df])Compute the contribution of each asset to a given measure.
()Copy the Portfolio attributes without its measures values.
(other[, idx])Portfolio domination.
Compute the Portfolio expected returns from the assets expected returns, weights, management costs and transaction fees.
(measure)Returns the value of a given measure.
(asset)Get the weight of a given asset.
Plot the Portfolio composition.
(measure[, spacing])Plot the contribution of each asset to a given measure.
([log_scale, idx])Plot the Portfolio cumulative returns.
([idx])Plot the Portfolio returns.
Plot the Portfolio returns distribution using Gaussian KDE.
([measure, window])Plot the measure over a rolling window.
([measure, window])Compute the measure over a rolling window.
([formatted])Portfolio summary of all its measures.
(assets_covariance)Compute the Portfolio variance expectation from the assets covariance and weights.
- property annualized_factor#
Portfolio annualized factor.
- clear()#
Clear all measures, fitness, cumulative returns and drawdowns in slots.
- property composition#
DataFrame of the Portfolio composition.
- contribution(measure, spacing=None, to_df=False)[source]#
Compute the contribution of each asset to a given measure.
- Parameters:
- measureMeasure
The measure used for the contribution computation.
- spacingfloat, optional
Spacing “h” of the finite difference: \(contribution(wi)= \frac{measure(wi-h) - measure(wi+h)}{2h}\)
- to_dfbool, default=False
If set to True, a DataFrame with asset names in index is returned, otherwise a numpy array is returned. When a DataFrame is returned, the values are sorted in descending order and assets with zero weights are removed.
- Returns:
- valuesnumpy array of shape (n_assets,) or DataFrame
The measure contribution of each asset.
- copy()#
Copy the Portfolio attributes without its measures values.
- cumulative_returns#
Portfolio cumulative returns array.
- property cumulative_returns_df#
Portfolio cumulative returns Series.
- property diversification#
Weighted average of volatility divided by the portfolio volatility.
- dominates(other, idx=None)#
Portfolio domination.
Returns true if each objective of the current portfolio fitness is not strictly worse than the corresponding objective of the other portfolio fitness and at least one objective is strictly better.
- Parameters:
- otherBasePortfolio
The other portfolio.
- idxslice | array, optional
Indexes or slice indicating on which objectives the domination is performed. The default (
) is to use all objectives.
- Returns:
- valuebool
Returns True if the Portfolio dominates the other one.
- drawdowns#
Portfolio drawdowns array.
- property effective_number_assets#
Computes the effective number of assets, defined as the inverse of the Herfindahl index.
\[N_{eff} = \frac{1}{\Vert w \Vert_{2}^{2}}\]It quantifies portfolio concentration, with a higher value indicating a more diversified portfolio.
- Returns:
- valuefloat
Effective number of assets.
[1]“Banking and Financial Institutions Law in a Nutshell”. Lovett, William Anthony (1988)
- expected_returns_from_assets(assets_expected_returns)[source]#
Compute the Portfolio expected returns from the assets expected returns, weights, management costs and transaction fees.
- Parameters:
- assets_expected_returnsndarray of shape (n_assets,)
The vector of assets expected returns.
- Returns:
- valuefloat
The Portfolio expected returns.
- fitness#
Portfolio fitness.
- property fitness_measures#
Portfolio fitness measures.
- get_measure(measure)#
Returns the value of a given measure.
- Parameters:
- measurePerfMeasure | RiskMeasure | ExtraRiskMeasure | RatioMeasure
The input measure.
- Returns:
- valuefloat
The measure value.
- get_weight(asset)[source]#
Get the weight of a given asset.
- Parameters:
- assetstr
Name of the asset.
- Returns:
- weightfloat
Weight of the asset.
- property measures_df#
DataFrame of all measures.
- property n_observations#
Number of observations.
- nonzero_assets#
Invested asset \(abs(weights) > 0.001%\).
- nonzero_assets_index#
Indices of invested asset \(abs(weights) > 0.001%\).
- plot_composition()#
Plot the Portfolio composition.
- Returns:
- plotFigure
Returns the plot Figure object.
- plot_contribution(measure, spacing=None)#
Plot the contribution of each asset to a given measure.
- Parameters:
- measureMeasure
The measure used for the contribution computation.
- spacingfloat, optional
Spacing “h” of the finite difference: \(contribution(wi)= \frac{measure(wi-h) - measure(wi+h)}{2h}\)
- Returns:
- plotFigure
The plotly Figure of assets contribution to the measure.
- plot_cumulative_returns(log_scale=False, idx=None)#
Plot the Portfolio cumulative returns. Non-compounded cumulative returns start at 0. Compounded cumulative returns are rescaled to start at 1000.
- Parameters:
- log_scalebool, default=False
If this is set to True, the cumulative returns are displayed with a logarithm scale on the y-axis and rebased at 1000. The cumulative returns must be compounded otherwise an exception is raised.
- idxslice | array, optional
Indexes or slice of the observations to plot. The default (
) is to plot all observations.
- Returns:
- plotFigure
Returns the plot Figure object.
- plot_returns(idx=None)#
Plot the Portfolio returns.
- Parameters:
- idxslice | array, optional
Indexes or slice of the observations to plot. The default (
) is to plot all observations.
- Returns:
- plotFigure
Returns the plot Figure object
- plot_returns_distribution()#
Plot the Portfolio returns distribution using Gaussian KDE.
- Returns:
- plotFigure
Returns the plot Figure object
- plot_rolling_measure(measure=Sharpe Ratio, window=30)#
Plot the measure over a rolling window.
- Parameters:
- measurect.Measure, default = RatioMeasure.SHARPE_RATIO
The measure.
- windowint, default=30
The window size.
- Returns:
- plotFigure
Returns the plot Figure object
- property returns_df#
Portfolio returns DataFrame.
- rolling_measure(measure=Sharpe Ratio, window=30)#
Compute the measure over a rolling window.
- Parameters:
- measurect.Measure, default=RatioMeasure.SHARPE_RATIO
The measure. The default measure is the Sharpe Ratio.
- windowint, default=30
The window size. The default value is
- Returns:
- seriespandas Series
The rolling measure Series.
- property sric#
Sharpe Ratio Information Criterion (SRIC).
It is an unbiased estimator of the Sharpe Ratio adjusting for both sources of bias which are noise fit and estimation error [1].
[1]“Noise Fit, Estimation Error and a Sharpe Information Criterion”, Dirk Paulsen (2019)
- summary(formatted=True)[source]#
Portfolio summary of all its measures.
- Parameters:
- formattedbool, default=True
If this is set to True, the measures are formatted into rounded string with units.
- Returns:
- summaryseries
Portfolio summary.
- variance_from_assets(assets_covariance)[source]#
Compute the Portfolio variance expectation from the assets covariance and weights.
- Parameters:
- assets_covariancendarray of shape (n_assets,n_assets)
The matrix of assets covariance expectation.
- Returns:
- valuefloat
The Portfolio variance from the assets covariance.
- property weights_per_observation#
DataFrame of the Portfolio weights per observation.