"""Factor Model estimator"""
# Copyright (c) 2023
# Author: Hugo Delatte <delatte.hugo@gmail.com>
# License: BSD 3 clause
# Implementation derived from:
# Riskfolio-Lib, Copyright (c) 2020-2023, Dany Cajas, Licensed under BSD 3 clause.
# scikit-learn, Copyright (c) 2007-2010 David Cournapeau, Fabian Pedregosa, Olivier
# Grisel Licensed under BSD 3 clause.
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import Any
import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt
import sklearn.base as skb
import sklearn.linear_model as skl
import sklearn.multioutput as skmo
import sklearn.utils.metadata_routing as skm
import sklearn.utils.validation as skv
from skfolio.prior._base import BasePrior, PriorModel
from skfolio.prior._empirical import EmpiricalPrior
from skfolio.utils.stats import cov_nearest
from skfolio.utils.tools import check_estimator
class BaseLoadingMatrix(skb.BaseEstimator, ABC):
"""Base class for all Loading Matrix estimators.
All estimators should specify all the parameters that can be set
at the class level in their ``__init__`` as explicit keyword
arguments (no ``*args`` or ``**kwargs``).
loading_matrix_: np.ndarray
intercepts_: np.ndarray
def fit(self, X: npt.ArrayLike, y: npt.ArrayLike):
class LoadingMatrixRegression(BaseLoadingMatrix):
"""Loading Matrix Regression estimator.
Estimate the loading matrix by fitting one linear regressor per asset.
linear_regressor : BaseEstimator, optional
Linear regressor used to fit the factors on each asset separately.
The default (`None`) is to use `LassoCV(fit_intercept=False)`.
n_jobs : int, optional
The number of jobs to run in parallel.
When individual estimators are fast to train or predict,
using ``n_jobs > 1`` can result in slower performance due
to the parallelism overhead.
The value `-1` means using all processors.
The default (`None`) means 1 unless in a `joblib.parallel_backend` context.
loading_matrix_ : ndarray of shape (n_assets, n_factors)
The loading matrix.
intercepts_: ndarray of shape (n_assets,)
The intercepts.
multi_output_regressor_: MultiOutputRegressor
Fitted `sklearn.multioutput.MultiOutputRegressor`
multi_output_regressor_: skmo.MultiOutputRegressor
def __init__(
linear_regressor: skb.BaseEstimator | None = None,
n_jobs: int | None = None,
self.linear_regressor = linear_regressor
self.n_jobs = n_jobs
def fit(self, X: npt.ArrayLike, y: npt.ArrayLike, **fit_params):
"""Fit the Loading Matrix Regression Estimator.
X : array-like of shape (n_observations, n_assets)
Price returns of the assets.
y : array-like of shape (n_observations, n_factors)
Price returns of the factors.
**fit_params : dict
Parameters to pass to the underlying estimators.
Only available if `enable_metadata_routing=True`, which can be
set by using ``sklearn.set_config(enable_metadata_routing=True)``.
See :ref:`Metadata Routing User Guide <metadata_routing>` for
more details.
self : LoadingMatrixRegression
Fitted estimator.
routed_params = skm.process_routing(self, "fit", **fit_params)
_linear_regressor = check_estimator(
self.multi_output_regressor_ = skmo.MultiOutputRegressor(
_linear_regressor, n_jobs=self.n_jobs
self.multi_output_regressor_.fit(X=y, y=X, **routed_params.linear_regressor.fit)
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
n_assets = X.shape[1]
self.loading_matrix_ = np.array(
[self.multi_output_regressor_.estimators_[i].coef_ for i in range(n_assets)]
self.intercepts_ = np.array(
for i in range(n_assets)
class FactorModel(BasePrior):
"""Factor Model estimator.
The purpose of Factor Models is to impose a structure on financial variables and
their covariance matrix by explaining them through a small number of common factors.
This can help overcome estimation error by reducing the number of parameters,
i.e. the dimensionality of the estimation problem, making portfolio optimization
more robust against noise in the data. Factor Models also provide a decomposition of
financial risk into systematic and security-specific components.
loading_matrix_estimator : LoadingMatrixEstimator, optional
Estimator of the loading matrix (betas) of the factors.
The default (`None`) is to use :class:`LoadingMatrixRegression` which fit the
factors using `LassoCV` on each asset separately.
factor_prior_estimator : BasePrior, optional
The factors :ref:`prior estimator <prior>`.
It is used to estimate the :class:`~skfolio.prior.PriorModel` containing the
factors expected returns and covariance matrix.
The default (`None`) is to use :class:`~skfolio.prior.EmpiricalPrior`.
residual_variance : bool, default=True
If this is set to True, the diagonal term of the residuals covariance
(residuals variance) is added to the factor model covariance.
higham : bool, default=False
If this is set to True, we use the Higham & Nick (2002) algorithm to find the
nearest covariance matrix that is positive semi-definite. It is more accurate
but slower that the default clipping method. For more information
see :func:`~skfolio.utils.stats.cov_nearest`.
max_iteration : int, default=100
Only used when `higham` is set to True. Maximum number of iterations of the
Higham & Nick (2002) algorithm.
prior_model_ : PriorModel
The :class:`~skfolio.prior.PriorModel`.
factor_prior_estimator_ : BasePrior
Fitted `factor_prior_estimator`.
loading_matrix_estimator_ : BaseLoadingMatrix
Fitted `loading_matrix_estimator`.
n_features_in_ : int
Number of assets seen during `fit`.
feature_names_in_ : ndarray of shape (`n_features_in_`,)
Names of features seen during `fit`. Defined only when `X`
has feature names that are all strings.
factor_prior_estimator_: BasePrior
loading_matrix_estimator_: BaseLoadingMatrix
def __init__(
loading_matrix_estimator: BaseLoadingMatrix | None = None,
factor_prior_estimator: BasePrior | None = None,
residual_variance: bool = True,
higham: bool = False,
max_iteration: int = 100,
self.loading_matrix_estimator = loading_matrix_estimator
self.factor_prior_estimator = factor_prior_estimator
self.residual_variance = residual_variance
self.higham = higham
self.max_iteration = max_iteration
# noinspection PyMethodOverriding, PyPep8Naming
def fit(self, X: npt.ArrayLike, y: Any, **fit_params):
"""Fit the Factor Model estimator.
X : array-like of shape (n_observations, n_assets)
Price returns of the assets.
y : array-like of shape (n_observations, n_factors)
Factors' returns.
**fit_params : dict
Parameters to pass to the underlying estimators.
Only available if `enable_metadata_routing=True`, which can be
set by using ``sklearn.set_config(enable_metadata_routing=True)``.
See :ref:`Metadata Routing User Guide <metadata_routing>` for
more details.
self : FactorModel
Fitted estimator.
routed_params = skm.process_routing(self, "fit", **fit_params)
self.factor_prior_estimator_ = check_estimator(
self.loading_matrix_estimator_ = check_estimator(
# Fitting prior estimator
X=y, **routed_params.factor_prior_estimator.fit
factor_mu = self.factor_prior_estimator_.prior_model_.mu
factor_covariance = self.factor_prior_estimator_.prior_model_.covariance
# Fitting loading matrix estimator
self.loading_matrix_estimator_.fit(X, y)
loading_matrix = self.loading_matrix_estimator_.loading_matrix_
intercepts = self.loading_matrix_estimator_.intercepts_
# we validate and convert to numpy after all models have been fitted to keep
# features names information.
X, y = skv.validate_data(self, X, y, multi_output=True)
n_assets = X.shape[1]
n_factors = y.shape[1]
if loading_matrix.shape != (n_assets, n_factors):
raise ValueError(
"`loading_matrix_estimator.loading_matrix_` must ba a 2D array of"
f" shape {(n_assets, n_factors)}, got"
f" {loading_matrix.shape} instead."
if intercepts.shape != (n_assets,):
raise ValueError(
"`loading_matrix_estimator.intercepts_` must ba a 1D array of "
f"shape {(n_assets,)}, got {intercepts.shape} instead."
mu = loading_matrix @ factor_mu + intercepts
covariance = loading_matrix @ factor_covariance @ loading_matrix.T
returns = y @ loading_matrix.T + intercepts
cholesky = loading_matrix @ np.linalg.cholesky(factor_covariance)
if self.residual_variance:
err = X - returns
err_cov = np.diag(np.var(err, ddof=1, axis=0))
covariance += err_cov
cholesky = np.hstack((cholesky, np.sqrt(err_cov)))
covariance = cov_nearest(
covariance, higham=self.higham, higham_max_iteration=self.max_iteration
self.prior_model_ = PriorModel(
mu=mu, covariance=covariance, returns=returns, cholesky=cholesky
return self